
Letter : Discrimination Claim Against Women 's Centre

Better Essays


FROM: XXX Trainee

TO: Charles Cavendish

REFERENCE: Discrimination Claim


CLIENT MATER: Discrimination Claim against Women’s Centre

I am writing in reply to the query you sent about a client named May Baloch who applied for a job as a counsellor at the local women’s centre. She was well qualified for the job, but at the interview the manager said they were looking for someone from Pakistan. She did eventually find a job two weeks later, which paid the same salary. However, she feels upset that she didn’t get the job and that there could be a claim against the women’s centre (WC).

Her claim is best placed under a direct discrimination claim against the WC. Under section 13 (1) of the Equality Act 2010, direct discrimination occurs when a person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others. To succeed in a direct discrimination claim against the WC Mary would have to prove on the facts that:

The WC carried out an unlawful act based on a protected characteristic:
Under section 4 of The Equality Act (EqA) 2010 a protected characteristic is defined as age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation. EqA 2010 s. 9 (1) defines race as including ‘colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origins’. In the case of Mary Baloch the

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