
Life Changing Events Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Life Changing Events The worst feeling you can ever feel is when your parents are disappointed in you. I got kicked out of school my sophomore year and my parents were not happy with me. My mom was so fed up with my behavior she sent me away with my dad, it changed my whole way of living, and I learned so much from it. When my mom finally got the news I wasn’t in school anymore she lost it. My mother begged me to change my ways before something bad happened. I thought that I was never going to get in trouble or get caught doing all the horrible things I used to do. After getting kicked out and let back into school I was on my last strike. I wanted to party all the time and couldn't miss out on anything my friends and I were doing. Me knowing i'm on my last strike with school, decided to skip school and I thought I was going to get away with it but I was wrong. The next day of school I was called out of school to be notified that I got kicked out of school for good all because I wanted to skip with friends. when they called home my mother told me that i had to live with my dad because she didn't know what else would keep me out of trouble.
I knew going to my dad would change a whole lot about my life. No more going out, partying, hanging with friends, or anything I use to do that was not good. My dad was a …show more content…

Every job application I filled out required a high school diploma and I couldn't even tell them I was in school. That's when I realized I needed to get myself together before I become somebody I didn't want to be. Once I woke up and realize how the world is I immediately started getting my life back together. I learned that i needed to take things serious because it's not a joke, I learned that my next group of friends needs to be the right group of friends, I learned that life will be way much harder without a high school

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