
Life Changing Experiences: Course Analysis

Decent Essays

When we first arrived on the grounds for the ropes course, I was a bit unsure of what was going to happen and the activities that we would have to do, I didn't realize what a life changing experience this would be. The course taught me things that I didn't know about myself as well as my friends and people in the class. Although I struggled a bit throughout the time we were there, but I was able to understand my fears and eventually conquer them. At times, it may feel like it's too much and that I should give up, I need to realize that those are actually the most important parts in which I need to stick it through and keep pushing forward.
As everyone began their climbs and descents down the zip line, I began to remember my fear heights that I had forgotten as a result of my excitement. When I started climbing the ladder for the rope …show more content…

Whenever someone was walking across the pole or climbing up the pole, there was always other classmates cheering for them to keep going, to keep pushing through. Along the way, there were cheer of joys when someone finally finished or encouragement when they almost reached the end and hearing all of that while you were scared and trying to complete this incredibly difficult task was the most helpful part of it all. Everyone being able to assist one another whenever they saw any kind of fear in them or when they accomplished a course was amazing. The values I learned at the Ropes Course were essential and will carry on through my college education as well as my life. Values such as, support, teamwork, trust, and inner development within yourself were just a few to list. All of these factors are supporting for what plan for my future educational goals as well as my potential career paths. Through this spectacular experience, I not only grew closer to my classmates, but also

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