
Life : My Life Challenges

Decent Essays

Life Challenges I am a 19 year old female, I come from a family of 5. My family and I came to the United States of America from Mexico to improve our future. At first having to get into the routine of adapting to a different environment was difficult, but with time we have adapted. My brother is 21 and has not yet received a diploma instead he works, and my sister is in 8th grade doing decent in school. I am the first one from my family to graduate, receive a high school diploma, and the first one to attend college. I am currently enrolled in San Bernardino Valley college, and I plan on transferring to Cal State San Bernardino to obtain a nursing degree. Throughout my journey I have faced three major challenges which are in education, health and fitness life, and personal growth. Education is very important, but it is one of the most difficult challenges I face today. First of all, having to figure out how to get to school was a hassle. Both of my parents work therefore, aren't able to take me to school, and I do not own a license or a car. For example, the night before the first day of school, my mother had told me she was going to take me to school, but in the morning there was a change of plans and couldn't take me. I then had to take matters on my own hands and drove myself to school with no driving experience. Another main challenge that I have is procrastination. For example, my sociology teacher gave a seven page essay with lots of spare time. I always

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