I wake and see the sun creeping to me. The light blinds me as I wake, but I know I'm still here in the dark basement. One window, one light source, one life. I’ve only seen this room since the abduction and the fight. I miss the grass and the houses. That’s it my house I’m under a house but not mine my parents wouldn't do this would they? At least I get food but only bread, yogurt and water. I can imagine the paper’s saying “Lily Fly Age:7 Female Missing last seen playing on a swing no leads and no witnesses”.
Lily is very mean to David at the beginning of the book. The first reason why Lily is rude to David is she doesn't want to talk to him when he first comes to the Shaughnessy house. For example, Lily tries to ignore David and rudely runs away. Another reason why Lily is mean to David is he thinks she needs help with everything. For example, he forces her to let him help her with her chores.
After a few more minutes of waiting Anna decided to get out of bed and walk down to the food court to see if her father was there. After getting out of bed, Anna found a note taped to her father’s chair that she hadn’t seen before scripted in scribbly letters saying Based on your actions he might come back don’t tell anyone about this and he will come back unharmed. Anna hurriedly found the bag of her clothes that her mother had delivered overnight and pulled on a hot pink mini skirt and a white long sleeve crop top. After getting dressed Anna opened her door and stepped outside, there was no one anywhere to be seen. She continued to walk down the hall and there was still no noise and no one in sight. She walked straight to the elevator and went down to the first floor where the food court should be, but there was no one there either, the hospital had been abandoned and she was sure that the songbook and the object that played her melody the night before were somehow behind it all. She ran back up to her room as carefully as she could trying not to hurt her arm, and once she arrived at the door she grabbed the music book off the desk beside of her bed, tried to flush it down the toilet, and stuffed her cell phone in her bag of clothes that her mom had bought. She was about to pick up her bag when she heard a new melody right outside of her door. La, La, La, La, La, La. La, La, La, La, La. La, La, La, La, La. La, La, La, La, La, La, La. She wanted to see what was making the noise so she carefully opened her door and peeked through the opened crack. There nothing was there! She grabbed her bag of clothes and ran down the steps as quickly as she could but then she heard a voice behind her, “Aaaaannnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa!!!!” the voice moaned “Aaaaannnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa it isn’t safe at your house!!!!” said the voice. She spun around and saw a scrawny old man
As I looked up, the sky was dark the sidewalk illuminated by the streetlights. The sound of crickets and cars echoing through my ears. I walked home that night, tears in my eyes. I was leaving, I couldn’t handle it anymore. The meds, doctors, psychiatrists nothing was working, our lives were in constant danger. By the time I got home the car was gone. By the time, I finished packing it was dawn. The sun creeping in through the shutters. For the next couple of days, I crashed at Jason’s before I headed South. I heard my cell ringing, it was mom… I let it go to voicemail.
We were walking for a few hours. My feet throbbed and my ears were ringing from Taylor’s whining. Finally I could see it, the old abandoned house I discovered one day while riding my bike. The door was barely hanging onto its hinges, and there were several windows missing or broken. I pried open the splintering oak door. In the house there was two rooms. One, the one you first enter, was most likely a kitchen and living room. There was a sofa with faded fabric and springs popping out everywhere. An old furnace sat in the corner with rotting charcoal inside. The door of the furnace was missing rendering the whole thing useless. The other room was much smaller. It was a bedroom. There was a twin sized bed. The frame was rusty and missing a leg. I pulled the mattress off of it, so we could sleep on it. There were springs and stuffing sticking out of the mattress. It wasn’t too dirty to sleep on because I pulled off the moldy sheets. We laid down on the mattress. Taylor started snoring within minutes. I was worried about Mom. She had had a seizure before. It was because of her failing liver. Last time, social services took me and my sisters to a girl’s home. They served cooked vegetables that smelled like rotten seafood and chicken noodle soup with frozen chicken. After Mom got out of the hospital she got custody of us, but the judge told her if it happened again she wouldn’t get us back. My older sister, Becca, was eighteen so she didn’t have to
It was a mysterious, windy, dark night. Annabel, a short young girl with jet black hair, eyelashes that reached the sky and eyes like a puppy dog, had just awoken on the floor of a cold dark forest. As she took in her surroundings and wondered how she had got there, a sudden pain appeared in her head and she had a brief flashback of painful memories of the car crash that she and her parents had just been involved in, a horrific accident; she lay there as tears slowly welled up in her eyes and rolled down her soft, pale cheeks. The thought of her deceased parents sent a shiver up her spine; she couldn’t believe they were gone.
I was 21 now and I’d been hiding out at julia’s house for years now. I had a job and a child. For a long time i had been doing things on my own. I couldn’t live with my grandparents and face the fact they were the reason why my mother killed herself. At home someone kept knocking on the doors at night but we never knew who it
My dad always slept with his shoes off.But tonight, tonight was different. Probably because the town was being evacuated. Gun shots so close you can trace the sound back to the weapon. People running, screaming and dying. It was amazing, well to me it was it was the first time i seen everyone outside at once i wish it was on this occasion but it was good to see people care about each other. Back to the store though. My mom came running into the house screaming,”they’re here,they’re”. My dad jump from the bed, like he was waiting for this moment all his life, “grab the begs” he says to me and my 3 brothers. They were place in the corner of the living room next to the back door. I didn't pick up nothing being the youngest in the
My mother had left my dad’s house slippers by the coat rack behind the door. I was grateful to her as the floor felt like ice. Hanging up my coat, I slipped into my dad’s bathrobe, which was hanging on its peg. We had a fireplace in the living room and the chimney exited the west side of the roof. I smelled the smoke of the dying fire, and I knew my mom was in bed. The bedrooms were located on the second story. Her room was located at the end of the hallway, and my room was at the head of the stairs above the
I could not see her for she was wrapped in an old green rag. My heart pounded as I looked at her, tears leaving my eyes quicker than warmth in winter. I quickly went inside and bounded up the stairs to my room. I was shocked to see my bed completely bare, all essence of her gone, light shining through the windows of the bright, sunny day as if my world hadn’t just turned completely upside down. I don’t know how long I sat on the edge of my bed with a blank mind, unmoving. Finally when the skies were a mix of purple and orange, I heard a knock at my door. I honestly don’t remember what my parents said, because I had lost all energy and willingness to
Sometimes developing healthy relationships can cause depression. It’s a struggle for depressed people to maintain emotional contact white others because it is a consequence that comes along with trying it out. A lot of the time there are depressed people who feel dependent on relationships with others. But if the relationship is threatened or loss it can make the depressed person feel helpless and weak. Depression can make people fear abandonment and they struggle to keep close contact with people. This fear of abandonment can be bad for relationships because people might not like to be depended on all the time and that can turn people away from being friends with the depressed person. Then that can be hard for the depressed
This has to be the strangest day I ever had, as I arrive to Rutherford High School to look for my friends, my mouth gapes open when I saw no one in the building. I stand still, bewildered a million thoughts were running in my mind. “Is it Saturday, no it's Tuesday,” I say to myself as I glance at my phone. Its 7:30 am. Where is everyone? I look to see if I had any texts from my friends when I realize I have no signal. I stand there puzzled as I hear the soft crunch of boots on the dry fall leaves, footsteps coming closer and slower each time. The person, walking gave out a screech every few seconds, a sound so vicious and menacing that echoed through out the empty street. I turn around to see who made that noise. My heart pounded like a jackhammer
In the distance, I heard my mother continuously reminding me to keep an eye on my three-year-old brother, Angel, but as a thirteen-year-old all I wanted to do was explore the streets of Los Angeles without having to worry about where my brother was at. Not feeling selfish, I suddenly escaped my family’s supervision to gaze at the water fountains that looked like the Niagara Falls. Suddenly, I heard my mom yelling out my name. I thought to myself, she must be looking for me but to my surprise, it wasn’t I whom
As more and more states ban cell phone usage while driving, more and more people have actually looked into this topic to see how big of a distraction cell phones are in the car. According to extensive research, barely any accidents involving distractions include cellphones, and even after 20 years of researching this topic, there still isn’t any conclusive data on the impact cellphones have on driving. Cell Phones shouldn’t be banned to use while driving.
I am Paul Williams and it is currently the 2nd of May in the year 2017. I am a 28-year-old caucasian male who lives in Downey California, I am light complected and I have blue eyes and have light brown hair and I am around 5´9 in height. I was born with a skeletal deformity which causes me to limp as I walk. It was a cold windy day when I was last seen at the park and had been kidnapped. It has been three days since I've been kidnapped I do not know where I am at, I see nothing but pitch black. It seems to me that I am in an abandoned place. There is a really bad smell like garbage and when I touch the walls I am trapped in they feel very slimy and slippery.
One of the bigger problems in the World that was occuring more than 50 years ago and still is today, is racism. Racism is when a person or several people assume someone’s standings based on their race, Many times it is even used to make jokes. “Victims” of racism have to live with stereotyping just based on the color of their skin. These people have to deal with people assuming all sorts of things about them, things including their level of education, employment, what they do on their free time, or even their innocence in the court of law. Anyone can racially profile someone, but with this it means that anyone can racially profile you. Racism is not just based on one certain race it spans across many different races. According to civilrights.org