
Limiting Homework

Decent Essays

When you hear the word “homework” what is it that comes to your mind? Anywhere from an overload of homework or how homework is a waste of time? Maybe even how homework prepares you for the big test? There is a national debate on whether homework should be given to students outside of the school day. How homework takes too much away from childhood or how homework can make you successful. You hear both sides left and right nearly every school day. But which one are we fighting for? Which one considers the best interest of the child?
Teachers should limit the amount of homework they give to students because each student has different academic needs and valuable time. An elementary classroom can range in the number of students from fourteen or …show more content…

Teachers as well are in that classroom on an average of seven hours a day for five days a week. For the majority of students that time is spent learning the content that they are presented with. That time is spent asking questions and finding solutions based on the collaboration of their peers and their teacher. Every child has different academic needs in the eyes of the teacher evaluating them. That can range from not needing anything beyond that seven hours to relying on a load of homework well into the late hours of the night. Those students that need reoccurring help after school hours could very well have a learning disability. Maybe that student just can’t comprehend what was learned in class that day. The teacher will also have those students that get it at the point of that first lecture and they know how to find those solutions right on the spot. Those students don’t need that extra homework, don’t need that extra assistance outside of those seven hours. Something needs to be done about this issue in our school systems. Teachers need to take into aspect that each student has different academic needs and each require different assistance. Karl Greensfield is a journalist who discusses the setting of his household every night based on his daughters homework. He is in awe when he realizes how much his daughter Esmee had that night so he approached her teacher, “the teacher was unmoved, saying that the homework was reasonable. If Esmee was struggling, perhaps she should be moved to a remedial class” (Greensfield 4). The teacher has free range on how they assign homework after there initial lecture on the topic. And because of that, teachers can limit all they want or assign more if need be. Sonali Kohli has been an educational reporter for most of her life. Specifically she is a reporter who covers education for the Los Angeles Times who mentions, “…if enough parents speak to

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