
Linda Garris Christian Understanding Families

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The article “Understanding Families” by Linda Garris Christian expresses six characteristics that apply to Family Systems Theory and to the environment provided by early childhood educators. Boundaries are a characteristic that may set limits as well as emphasizes togetherness. The article states that for some families the behavior of the child is the reflection on the whole family. Refereed to this behavior as being enmeshed. As a provider and early childhood educator, my experience was with a family that I considered enmeshed. In which the child was strongly tied to the family and their virtues and morals. The family consisted of a mother and father and brother, age 5 and sister, age 10. The children were in my care for the summer. …show more content…

One example of the characteristic of rules that I encountered in this profession was the ability to share our beliefs with others or to keep them to themselves and their families. Each family has their own beliefs, traditions, and customs. This is fine, unless the customs or beliefs of one family are being forced on others. One family that had enrolled with me had two male children. The family explained they were very religious, which was acceptable. As we have children from different faiths of Christianity and Judaism we embrace learning about all the differences and similarities. At holiday time we ask the children to bring in books and possibly foods from their culture. Never had I encountered a child who said I was a “liar”, because I read a story about Santa Claus. The little boy declared that there wasn’t a Santa Claus and that it was a lie. I know had seven pairs of eyes staring at me as if they had just seen a ghost. I explained to the children and to the accuser as well, that we all believe in different things and that is how we learn about each other and how different we are. Stating that we are all different, we look different, we sound different, and we have different parents, and live in different houses, and believe different things. The rule at school is we are here to learn about each other, not call them liars, because they cannot see something or someone. I spoke with the mom at dismissal time and she said, we don’t lie to our children about anything. We want them to believe the spirit of Christmas is Jesus. I said we would try to encompass all of the beliefs of the children. Eventually she removed her children and home schools to this day. I believe it was sometime before the “Easter Bunny”

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