
Linux Security

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Securing Linux Platforms and Applications Project Project Part 1 Task 1: Outline Security Policy This security policy is essential to the First World Bank Savings and Loan. It is used to break up the security plan not measurable, specific, and testable goals and objectives. This security policy would be used to provide all current and prospective customers online banking services while keeping the First World Saing bank competitive in the financial marketplace. This solution is also an imperative due to an estimated revenue of $100,0000,000 flowing in by virtue of online credit card transactions specific to banking and loan application based services. This security policy will go on to outline the specific regulations and …show more content…

This unique model and the corresponding value proposition has resulted in SuagrCRM being one of the leading CRM product. I would still recommend against using SugarCRM as it is known to have security flaws that make it more vulnerable to hacker attacks. 2. Mono - This technology is sponsored by Novell and combines two seemingly different worlds of Microsoft and*nix into a single agile, open source and stable realm. Mono is the open-source implementation of Microsoft's.NET technologies. Mono allows you to develop advanced and powerful applications (server-side) on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. 3.Zenoss - Zenoss consists of an alert console, network discovery, performance monitoring, service monitoring, and inventory modules. It is an open source IT Management suite. Zenoss offers the ability to monitor and observe your entire network. It is free, easy to install and maintain, enterprise-ready, and modular through ZenPacks. 4. Drupal - Drupal is a CMS that allows communities to share, publish and manage diverse kinds fo content on a Web server. User communities are its big strength and the supporters easily run into thousands.Content management systems (CMSs) provide a collaborative environment for corporate Web sites, social networking sites, community portals, intranets, e-commerce applications and discussion sites. Drupal has a plethora of possible add-ons that

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