
Literary Analysis Of White Fang By Jack London

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White Fang by Jack London is a breathtaking example of classical composition. This piece of fictionalized American literature has shown, in the simplest way possible, the struggles of a wild made tame wolf as he is thrown in and out of captivity. Mr. London’s novel has shown, in vivid detail, how a good natured cub like White Fang turned into a raging beast. He hated his own species and humans because of the cruel treatment he had received, but by the end White Fang was able to learn what trust and loyalty truly meant. This tale has become an important part of literary history because of it’s tantalizing plot that keeps you riveted. You’ll be rooting for White Fang from the very beginning of the book.
In White Fang, Jack London uses several different settings throughout the story. A dark, snowy, spruce forest starts out the novel, while the conclusion leaves you in the warm and welcoming Santa Clara Valley. As a cub, White Fang encounters the ways of the Wild, then is transitioned to the Mackenzie Indian settlement where he first meets man. He stays with them for a quarter of his life, all the while going through the hardships of being a lone wolf amongst the domesticated dogs. Here he learns to be solitary and how to fend for himself; he doesn’t need anyone else to survive in the Wild. After being with his owner, Gray Beaver, for most of his life, he is sold to Beauty Smith, an abusive owner who was intent on entering White Fang into the dark world of dog

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