
Literary Terms: The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe

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Literary Terms Worksheet 1. Allegory – a story, narrative, or poem that reveals a hidden meaning that doesn’t present itself on the literal surface. An example of this term would be the poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. 2. Alliteration – a sequence or series of words that begin with the same or similar sound. An example is “The stellar students started studying statistics.” 3. Epic – usually a long narrative that recounts and tells of a hero, his journey, and the performance of his deeds. Epics usually present characteristics such as the characters carrying some type of legendary/historical importance, supernatural forces elements are usually involved, courageous acts are acted out, and the setting and tone are usually set to a grand scale of importance. An example of an epic is The Odyssey. 4. Figurative Language – the …show more content…

Foil – a character whose main role is to support in defining the main character. The foil usually carries the opposite characteristics from the main character. An example would be Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. 6. Genre – a category of artistic or literary composition. Examples include Mystery and Crime, Adventure, Romance, and more. 7. Hyperbole – exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. 8. Imagery – the use of descriptive language to represent thoughts or ideas in order to create the ability of connecting to the physical senses. It often includes the use of similes, metaphors, and many other devices. Ex. “I felt the grains of sand move between my toes as I wandered the beach.” 9. Irony – expressions used in a way that things turn out the opposite than when they were originally stated or intended. An example of irony would be when Macbeth is foretold of his succession to higher standing and power, but by the end of the novel, Macbeth is left with nothing. 10. Metaphor – a figure of speech that relates to something as being the same or similar as another without using “like” or “as.” Ex. “Cleaning was a breeze for

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