
Tropes And Metaphors In Narrative Analysis

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and metaphors bring about semantic innovation that never existed? In narratives, which we have just explored, something new is created out of the poetic piecing together of episodic and disjointed paradigmatic pieces. But what novelty does a metaphor, an act of semantic innovation in ascribing poetic pertinence to a linguistic impertinence, bring to narratives that in themselves are creating new worlds out of disjointed realities? The first task that confronts us in the study of the poetic import of tropes and metaphors in narratives is that of asking what are the parameters for a work to be considered a text. Is it a single word, a sentence, a proverb, a paragraph, a book or a collection of books? The extent to which we can consider the metaphor …show more content…

We are much aided by the semiological discovery of de Saussure that words in themselves acquire meaning only when in a sentence. Dictionaries ascribe certain lexical liberties in the conception and the interpretation of certain words in particular contexts. This explains why we are capable of telling the difference between a literal meaning and a metaphorical meaning. “At this final stage when the meaningful effect that we call metaphor has rejoined the change of meaning which augments polysemy, the metaphor is no longer living but dead, only authentic, living metaphors are at the same time ‘event’ and ‘meaning’” (ibid). Why then does metaphor need a kind of polarity between sense and reference? While we reserve the meaning of the sense of a text to the domain of explanation, understanding, which we treat later, could be understood as the key to understanding the import of metaphor. Metaphor in the context of a text is not just the simple substitution of one word for another. In that case no new meaning emerges and we learn nothing. It is in itself an interaction exercise. “Here interaction metaphors cannot be translated into direct

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