
Literature Review : Body Image

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Literature Review: Body Image
“Act 2: Extending Theory on Social Media and Body Concerns” shows the pattern and connection between social media and body image. People that are already affected by vulnerable factors, such as low self-esteem, depression, perfectionism and the thought that appearance is essential to self-worth, seek the gratifications that come from using social media. For example, if someone is feeling unattractive, but a picture they posted online is getting liked and commented on positively, it raises their self-esteem for that moment. These people frequently use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, thinspiration blogs, and pro eating disorder websites that can further put importance on social comparisons, self-identification through appearance and online normative influences. These can lead to effects such as increases in body dissatisfaction which can then lead to eating disorders, lower self-esteem, and depression. In this way the effects between social media and body image can come full circle. (Perlof)
In the article “Social Media and Body Image Concerns: Current Research and Future Directions” it is shown that studies have proven the connection between social media usage, especially Facebook, and increased body image concerns, particularly in young people. “Social media usage is consistently and positively associated with negative body image.” Further studies show that the association between these two factors increase over time. Another

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