
Lithium Ion Batteries For Electric Vehicle Batteries Essay

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A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is a type of rechargeable battery which uses a lithium ion that moves from a positive electrode (cathode) to a negative electrode (anode) during charging and vice versa during discharge. Lithium-ion batteries are less environmentally damaging than batteries containing heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury, but recycling them is still far preferable to incinerating them or sending them to landfill. Lithium ion batteries are made up of one or more generating compartments called cells. Each cell is composed of three components: an anode, a cathode, and a chemical called an electrolyte in between them.
Lithium-ion batteries are becoming more common in portable electronic devices due to their high-energy density, lack of memory effect, and high charge and discharge rate capabilities. Research and development work is ongoing to improve safety and increase capacity, charge/discharge rate, and lifetime. Demand for electric vehicle batteries is currently small, but it is expected to grow very quickly. China, Japan, South Korea, France, and the United States are the major lithium-ion battery manufacturers for hybrid and electric vehicle applications.
A lot of information from different sources was gathered with the purpose of comparing different Li-ion batteries mechanisms, cathode and anode materials, structure and fabrication procedures, and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Structure of a lithium ion cell
A lithium

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