Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Regeneration
Autologous, chondrocytes, embolization and hematopoietic all terminology used to explain stem cell therapy. Stem cells are the future of medicine; in fact, many scientists have come up with cures using stem cells including increasing liver regeneration. Why must people increase liver regeneration? People who suffer from liver cirrhosis cannot regenerate new liver cells due to the fact that there liver is producing scar tissue. Stem cell therapy, an intensive tedious process captivating researchers everywhere, enigmatic research that is paving the way for the cure of liver disease. To begin with answering the question of what are the infamous stem cells? Stem cells are cells that human beings all have.
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They do not replicate as fast because adults have already grown to their full extent. A better understanding of stem cells is to think of them as cell with no job assigned to them and they are eagerly just waiting to get assigned. Embryonic stem cells are way more useful but are very controversial to the public. Thus scientist and researchers have been hard at work searching for another way to obtain and abundant amount of stem cells. Some work has been attempting to speed up adult stem cells and use animal stem cells. While conducting these experiments scientist decided to you use rats. Li Tingjun and his colleagues of the institute of hepatobiliary surgery, Southwest hospital and third military medical university in Chongqing, China decided to use rats and conduct some experiments on them. First off they needed rats who had cirrhosis to better understand this procedure cirrhosis must be clarified. Cirrhosis is where the liver creates scar tissue instead of new tissue. Why it is so bad is due to the fact that it slows down the liver therefore the body is …show more content…
About 50% of Americans actually have liver disease but most symptoms are very dull and unnoticeable that people do pay attention or not aware of them. The most common symptoms for severe liver disease include prominent yellowing of skin and eyes, very dark tinted urine, light colored stool or bowel movements, mental confusion and continued possession of liquids in abdominal area. The 50% of American mentioned previously have a slight liver disease due to drinking an excessive amount. There are simple guidelines to follow that differ from man to female when it comes to drinking. Males can handle alcohol more efficiently than women. Not only does alcohol ruin the liver many over the counter drugs do like Tylenol. Take in mind the liver is the bodies filter everything that comes in it must go through the liver so it is safe for the consumer. A liver can only handle so much at one time that is why people become intoxicated due to the fact that they do not give their liver enough time to process all the alcohol. In doing this the liver gets severely damaged, although the liver the magical organ can regenerate itself people tend to drink like alcoholics and that is when liver disease because an issue. Indeed there must be about 75% damage to the liver to start experiencing failure in bodily functions. On occasion liver failure is reversible if not all cells are damaged but if so then the
is a stem cell? Well basically they are cells in the human body that exist in a sort of neutral
A brief introduction to stem cells; Stem cells are cells that are undifferentiated, or, simply put, a cell that has not yet been given a job, such as cells that create molecules. In recent years, scientists have discovered the potency that stem cells contain, due to their versatility. For example, stem cells could be studied and used to cure a man of liver disease, a child’s handicap, a woman’s breast cancer, etc…, etc…. One may now be asking themselves? “That’s great… then why are so many people against stem cell research? What could possibly be the drawback? “. You see, stem cells are acquired by human embryos, or, in Layman’s Terms, unborn fetuses. Take for
First of all an understanding of what a stem cell is, where it comes from, and the significance of it's medical potential is essential. Stem cells are the "master cells" that form the human body or whatever other animal it is from. Stem cells can be extracted from adult tissues, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood ( ), and embryos in the blastocyst stage. Although scientists have found ways to manipulate the stem cells from adult sources into other types of cells, they claim that they are less capable of deriving the desired tissue and are not "biologically equivalent" ( ) to stem cells extracted from embryos.
There are two main types of stem cells. The first is the Embryonic stem cell. Embryonic stem cells are obviously found in embryos. Human embryonic stem cells are generated by transferring cells from a preimplantation-stage embryo into a plastic laboratory culture dish that contains a nutrient broth known as culture medium. Many people are against embryonic stem cell use because by extracting stem cells from an embryo it destroys it. Also opponents of the research argue that embryonic stem cell
Stem cells are defined as the population of cells within an organism that retains its ability to divide and differentiate into various cell types. Since the early 1980s, scientists have researched the use of stem cells in the treatment of various human diseases such as cancer and diabetes. The research has sparked a controversial debate worldwide due to the nature of stem cell research and the source of pluripotent stem cells used in research. Stem cell research is a necessity, despite the source of pluripotent stem cells, because the research has led to breakthrough information involving the treatment diseases and injuries and the use of stem cells to replace damaged cells.
In many of these patients, long-term heavy drinking led to their chronic liver disease and/or liver failure. These patients, and their families, must confront the reality that their disease inevitably will progress to end-stage liver failure and death. At this time, orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is the only definitive treatment option for patients with ESLD, including alcoholic liver disease (ALD) (Anantharaju & Van Thiel, 2003). Patients with ALD must go through an evaluation screening by a transplant center prior to organ transplant consideration. Nationally accepted criteria for ALD patient selection and
First it is necessary to explore the background of stem cells and answer the questions that everyday people aren’t sure about. In the UK a recent study showed that 90% of adults aged 19+ had heard of “stem cells” but only 34% felt “well-informed” about them (Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute, 2014).
Stem cells are defined as “mother cells that have the potential to become any new type of cell in the body” (Cashin-Garbutt). It sounds like a tool that can be used to help another’s health, yet it is a hot issue in the modern science world. The stem cells come from spare embryo’s, existing cell lines, and therapeutic cells (EuroStemCell). Therapeutic cloning stem cells aren’t even used in patients yet and existing cell lines are well accepted. There are adult stem cells, and embryotic stem cells. The controversy surrounded by the topic comes with the embryotic stem cells. Embryo stem cells are moral, they help those with life-taking diseases, and often times there are extra embryos that are used.
Stem cells also have the ability to self-renew, meaning that they can continuously divide and make a duplicate of themselves (“Stem Cell Basics.” California). Due to these distinctive characteristic, stem cells can be inserted into an individual with malfunctioning cells, in order to try to replace the diseased cells with healthy ones (“Stem Cell Basics.” National). Stem cells are used to treat various diseases that range from neurological illnesses to Type I diabetes (Kessler). They are also taking the place of mice and other animals in drug testing. Due to this, drugs are better at benefiting humans because the researchers are able to see the actual side effects that occur in humans rather than testing an animal that may or may not react the same way as a human (“Stem Cell Basics.” California).
Stem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into different types of cells in the body. Stem cells also act as a repair system for many tissues in the body by dividing repeatedly to replenish other cells within a person (National Institutes of Health). Stem cell research seeks to further the advancement of the use of stem cells as well as to find an ethical way to study them. In November 1998, researchers found a way to isolate and culture human embryonic stem cells, (Bevington 2005). The ethics of stem cell research has been debated over the years and some people fully support the use of stem cells, whereas others are completely against the use of stem cells. This has been an ongoing battle for scientists over the span of two decades prior to the 1998 finding.
Stem Cells can have a colossal impact on the human race if researched enough and used to their full capability. As President George Bush said "A n ethicist ... told me that [a] cluster of cells is the same way you and I, and all the rest of us, started our lives. One goes with a heavy heart if we use these [embryonic stem cells], he said, because we are dealing with the seeds of the next generation." These cells can transition into any cell it would like (AAPI). In the 1800 's stem cells started to get researched and that is when it was discovered that the cell could form other types of cells. In early 1900 's European researchers noticed that white and red blood cells came from the first cell. In 1963 was the first writings of the stem cell renewing of transplanted mouse bone marrow cells were documented by Canadian researchers Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till. Adult stem cell research into animals and humans have been ongoing
Speaking about the stem cells, there are different types of stem cells. There are embryonic stem cells which are grown in the lab and found in early embryos. There is also tissue stem cells (found in bone marrow) which are found in
Stem cells are unspecialized types of cells capable of replenishing through a process known as cell division. The process of cell division can take place even after long periods of inactivity. According to Mahdi (2012) under certain experimental or physiologic conditions, the cells can also be induced to become tissues or develop into organ-specific cells that can perform special functions (pg. 735). In organs such as the bone marrow and the gut, the stem cells replicate at a faster rate to continuously repair and replace the damaged and the worn out tissues. However, in organs such as the heart and the pancreas, these cells only replicate when they are required to do that. In the past, scientists majorly worked with only two kinds of stem cells both in animals and in human beings. These two categories of stem cells are the embryonic and the non-embryonic cells often known as the somatic stem cells. Somatic stem cells can also be referred to as adult stem
First, it is necessary to explore the background of stem cells and answer the questions that everyday people aren’t sure about. In the UK a recent study showed that 90% of adults aged 16+ had heard of “stem cells” but only 34%
Stem cells are a new way that doctors worldwide can help people with disabilities cure their disability. Stem Cells are cells that come from the blastocyst of the embryo, they are cells that haven’t decided what they are going to be yet. They can be any kind of cell Brain Cells, Hair Cells, Nerve Cells etc.