
Living With Crohn 's Disease

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Living with Crohn’s Disease

Sharon is a 17 year old young women, her mother noticed that Sharon had lost a significant amount of weight, and she looked pale and had dark circles under her eyes. Sharon was complaining of severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, and after battling this for weeks she was extremely tired. Her doctor conducted a standard physical exam, and interviewed Sharon about her general health, diet, family history, and environment.
Her doctor performed laboratory tests of blood and stool matter, as well as X-rays of the upper and lower gastroesophageal tract (GI).Sharon had to have a colonoscopy to obtain a biopsy of the colon. Sharon was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.
Crohn’s disease, also called Regional Enteritis, belongs …show more content…

Cells move from the blood into the intestines and produce inflammation which is a normal immune system response. The inflammation does not subside, leading to chronic inflammation, ulceration, thickening of the intestinal wall, and eventually causing patient symptoms.
The tell-tale symptoms of Crohn’s disease are abdominal cramps and pain, urgent need to move bowels, sensation of incomplete evacuation, severe or persistent diarrhea, constipation which may lead to bowel obstruction, rectal bleeding, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite and malnutrition because the disease causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract .Some other general symptoms may also include, fever, night sweats, loss of normal menstrual cycle. Crohn 's disease can be both painful and incapacitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. If you think you are showing signs of Crohn’s Disease, loss of appetite, weight loss, and feeling of low energy, and fatigue, schedule an appointment with your doctor. Crohn 's disease in children may delay growth and development. Remember, only your doctor can render a diagnosis, so seek medical attention if experiencing any of these symptoms because in more severe cases, Crohn’s can lead to tears in the lining of the anus, which may cause pain and bleeding. Inflammation may also cause a fistula to develop, which is a tunnel that

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