
Liz Addison's Essay Two Years Are Better Than Four

Satisfactory Essays

In the essay two years are better than four, "the author, Liz Addison, shows her views on community colleges, and expresses that community colleges do not receive the attention they deserve.

In the beginning of her essay Addison mentions Rick Perlstein who claims that the "idea that college, as it used to be, has come to an end." Addison does not agree with Perlstein and expresses herself in the first paragraphs of his essay: "My guess, reading between the lines, is that Mr. Perlstein has never set foot in an American Community College" (Addison 256). During the essay Addison speaks that: "The Community College System is the hidden gem of the United States Public Service" (Addison 257). She uses this phrase to emphasize the importance that

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