
Logline Theme

Decent Essays

Logline A grumpy cat and two axolotls travel with his best friend, a robot, to find fuel so he doesn't deactivate. Theme Love takes effort. Story outline Cat has decided to live as an hermit, so she spends her days taking care of her garden and driving away the exasperating colony of salamanders that live near. One day a giant, metal thing appears on her garden, destroying all her flowers. A pair of Axolotls from the near colony are there throwing stones at it. Cat doesn't even imagine that what's on her garden is one the last robots on the planet, long forgotten there by an ancient civilization. The two Axolotl siblings spend days trying to discover what is that thing, until they manage to wake him up. It seems he doesn't remember what he is or from where he comes from, but he calls himself "Robot" …show more content…

They meet other creatures on their travel: some help them, some get them into trouble and many point them to the ancient ruins that lay hidden in the jungle. Meanwhile, they become more close, and Cat and Robot become inseparable. Soon they begin to find clues about what is Robot and from where he comes from, and begin to hear strange rumors: there are other robots, though they are few, and the people who created them are coming back. They meet one of these beings, who had abandoned their group, and help the stranger to hide. The stranger join them, and thanks to that Robot and Cat discover that Robot was used as a guard for this ancient colony of beings that left the planet hundreds of years ago, and that they came back to retrieve the robots and artifacts they left hundred of years ago. They infiltrate the foreigners' base to get fuel, but only manage to get few. They try to replicate it or find a substitute, but the time is running out and nothing works. Robot needs to make a choice: let himself be captured and taken away to keep functioning, or stay with Cat and the Axolotls but deactivate permanently

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