
Looking For Alibrandi Belonging Analysis

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It is natural for people to feel like they do not belong. I have chosen to explore the theme "Everyone feels like they do not belong in society or their cultures sometimes". This theme is evident in the films Looking for Alibrandi, by Kate Woods, Boy, by Taika Waititi and also in the poems Patches Hide No Scars, by Haare Williams and A Sad Joke On A Marae, by Apirana Taylor. At the beginning of the film Looking For Alibrandi, Josie who is an Italian, does not want to fully participate in a traditional event which is called Tomato Day, a day where the community comes together to crush the tomatoes, ready for bottling. Josie makes her feelings very clear when she changes the traditional music that is playing to her modern day music. This shows that Josie feels displaced or like she …show more content…

This stereotyping makes the gang members feel like they don't belong in society; this stereotyping excludes the gang members. The example "They bear patches on their jackets hiding scars and wounds," shows us that they are not looked at as members of society but are stereotyped as brutes, dangerous, intruders and vagrants. These gangs are organised and this organisation takes leadership, so why couldn't society help them to use their leadership skills for good rather than bad. In the poem A Sad Joke On a Marae, the theme "Everyone feels like they do not belong in society or their cultures sometimes" has also been identified by Apirana Taylor through the character Tu, the freezing worker, who stands before his tupuna on the marae. Tu is then issued with a challenge which is to go and retain the knowledge of his culture that he has lost. Tu feels he must call on the great leaders Kupe, Paikea, Te Kooti, Rewi and Te Rauparaha for help. Apirana Taylor shows us that Tu has distanced himself from his culture when he says "Ngati D.B is my tribe, the pub is my marae." We can see that Tu, does

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