
Looking Through The Lens Of A Worldview

Decent Essays

Looking through the Lens
Who we choose in an upcoming election, the lessons we teach our children, how we choose to spend our money, the career path we follow; these choices reflect our Worldview. A Worldview is a belief system or a perspective on how we view life. “Through our worldview, we determine priorities, explain our relationship to God and fellow human beings, assess the meaning of events, and justify our actions.”(Samples, 2007, para. 6) Worldview’s may be shaped from parental influence, peers, teachers, media, and religious affiliation. A Biblical Worldview is how we perceive life based on the teachings of the Bible. As Christians, we see life through the lens of scripture which gives us answers to many tough questions. (word …show more content…

Unlike other animals, we are in God’s likeness and can relate to one another. We have the ability to rationalize, to love, to problem solve. Genesis 1:28 demands Adam and Eve to fill the earth and subdue it, to rule over every living thing. As Humans we were given the responsibility of this earth, to be caretakers and good stewards and also to reap the bounty the earth offers.
Is our purpose in life to reach Nirvana? To do good works, or become one with the universe? As Christians we look to the bible for our purpose. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 gives us a starting point. Indicating that we should “love the lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” A Pantheist would not have a personal relationship with God, they believe that “God is an infinite, impersonal force.” (Weider & Ben, 2013, p. 65) The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 says that we are to reach out to non-believers and share the message of salvation. We see this over and over again in the bible. Our purpose is not ambiguous as a naturalist would believe and we don’t have to please Allah. Our God just wishes us to have a personal, intimate relationship with him and spread the love of Jesus daily, making disciples of all nations.
Do you believe in “absolute” truth? Does the idea of Karma help you choose right from wrong? A Biblical worldview on morality is “not relative to a man’s perspective”(Weider & Ben, 2013, p. 72) but grounded in

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