
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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Sensitive, naive, with lots of pride. When a man in the 1950s wants nothing in life but money and to be something successful in his life. How big of a risk will this young African American take to get what he wants? In A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry shows this character who can be selfish at times but wants to be something someday in his life wants to be someday. Walter Younger, a sensitive, naive, selfish man with lots of pride who works for a chauffeur that wants to be something in his life. His life dream is to be a successful and show his family how he did it. One of his big concerns are for his son know that he’s a wealthy successful man. The younger family lives in Chicago during the time period of the 1950s. The house that …show more content…

She thinks that he has no care or love for her. Therefore she tells him that she will have an abortion on their baby, Walter cannot believe what she had just said to him to him it feels like a dream but instead of saying anything back to Ruth he gets too sensitive of what she had said to him and he goes speechless and storms out of the house. He just wants his chance at life, he wants to be the wealthy and show his household he can provide more than just enough for them. His disappointment gets to him when Mama tells him she already put money into buying a brand new home. Everyone goes eccentric about the purchase Mama had made, but Walter just walks away quite yet so mad he has no words. A character who changes throughout the story, Walter goes from being a selfish person with no desire for anyone else but himself and their goals to someone who cares for his family and wants what will be the best for them. Throughout the story he realizes that what he is doing making him lose what ca be the best for his family, the reason why he changes from be the selfish man to a loving and caring man. Also his family does accept his new ways and forgets his old

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