
Los Angeles Bus Riders Union

Decent Essays

The Transit Equity Movement of Los Angeles Bus Riders Union, was a transit equity case in which the citizens of Los Angeles with the aid of city planners and others forced policymakers to meet the needs of inner city minority and working class groups. This case began in 1980, when ballot measures were proposed to fund subway and rail lines within the Los Angeles County Region. The propositions was approved and the ballots were assumed to fund new subway lines. A sales tax of 0.5% was used to fund new rail and subway and 25% revenues from the use of the subway and rail were returned to local governments to appease suburban interest, while bus fares were reduced for three years. (CITATION) The rail program was one that connected Los Angeles …show more content…

The MTA’s own forecasts concluded rail grants averaged 18 times more than bus rides. The high cost of rail caused the MTA to look for new ways to fund the rail system. This in turn caused the MTA to propose to raise the price of bus fare, cancel monthly bus passes and ended service to several bus lines. (citation) The LCSC protested strongly, but the proposal passed. The LCSC in resistance of the MTA approval created the Bus Riders’ Union composed of 1,500 low income bus riders who were dues paying members of the now formed BRU. The BRU disrupted the MTA board meetings, organized protests, and conducted recruitment on the buses. The BRU wanted to stop the fare increase by anyway possible. The campaign leaders could maintain a base by recruiting on buses which were some of the only places the low-income minorities congregated who are ususally dispersed. Campaign leaders crossed language barriers by handing out leaflets that informed the riders about the transportation policies that were taking place that were going to affect them. Riders provided evidence at hearings to board members, and volunteers counted overcrowding at the bus stops. BRU leaders assembled a coalition with its new mass base to filed a lawsuit against the MTA with the NAACP as its legal

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