
Loser Fatty: Weirdo-Ugly

Satisfactory Essays

Loser… Fatty… Weirdo… Ugly. These all words used, as most people

know, to describe others around us. In the world today, these insecurities are most

commonly abused in advertising, especially teens. Although advertising keeps the

United States economy going, it is strongly affecting the people it is targeting by

making them feel like the words described and unsatisfied with themselves. The

teenage years are hard enough already without the big corporate companies trying

to develop their “brand loyalty”.

Think of it this way. To advertising companies teenage buyers are like jelly

beans. When there is a jar of jelly beans, everyone wants to grab as much as they

can. These are the advertising companies, wanting as much teenage …show more content…

The strategy of “telling

[teens] they’ll be a dork if they don’t [buy the product]” is very common in

advertising and teenagers portrayed in the advertisements are just fake, a fantasy

(SB 128). In real life they are not that flawless, happy, or powerful from the

product. In reality, with all the Photoshop, touch-ups, and filters put on the

“manufactured images”, not even those in the image can reach the standards


The severity of the influence advertising produces is stronger than most

people think. The advertising strategies have become extremely out of control, to

the point it may cause health issues. It has become “the organized creation of

dissatisfaction” (SB 128). I understand that the companies have to use those

tactics in order to sell their product yet disagree. It is morally wrong to use

people’s insecurities and pressure for personal profit, making consumers’ problems

worse. Companies need to dial back a few notches. Rather than appealing to

people’s insecurities by using “perfect” models, use real, everyday people.

Honestly, I never knew something as simple as watching an advertisement could

be so influential and even

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