
Lost In Thought: The Perils Of Rumination Summary

Decent Essays

Rumination is the downward spiral to mental hell. In Lost in Thought: The Perils of Rumination, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema describes the challenges of people who suffer from such a perdicament. She details the consequences of rumination such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and a decrease in problem solving skills. Unfortunately I am guilty of rumination. This article helped me realize my thought patterns are not normal and I should see a doctor to fix it.

Nolen-Hoeksema provides evidence that anxiety and rumination go hand in hand. Anxious people are more likely to ruminate and rumination leads to more anxiety. In one study, she and her team of researchers interviewed Stanford University students before and after the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. She describes: …show more content…

The study confirms that people who ruminate are more prone to anxiety than people who do not. Rumination locks up your cognitive resources and it becomes hard to see the situation from an outsider perspective and find a solution. Nolen-Hoeksema further explains that rumination could lead to voluntary seclusion from others. My rumination is often over my own inadequacies and failures. This helped me realize why my life is utter hell at the moment and I would need help to solve my

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