
Love Billy Collins Analysis

Decent Essays

This poem clearly represents the heart brokenness of a desperate man who had been shaded by the darkness of the piercing shock he experienced after he was forced to let go of his love, that was so dear to him. Although, he explains that with the love he presented to his significant other, it also brought hard times to their relationship, that caused her to be unhappy. The poet shows his difficult journey to successfully substain himself from her love. This poet chose to show various types of emotion with the themes of this poem. This poem has a purpose of demonstrating of how easy it is to become vulnerable of these moments of despair in one’s lifetime, especially when it comes to love. Life is based around love, people develop great unexplained heart filled feelings, it can even take place in the midst of just a few moments, to ignite that “love at first sight” feeling. When one gives another their heart, he/she must thoroughly trust that their chosen one truly does love them, because from the moment that one experiences love with another person they never truly know if they do. This feeling is very critical for a couple in a relationship. So, when things take a rough path, and one becomes unhappy it may take the other by surprise and catch them at a vulnerable state of mind and heart. This would cause for it to take a …show more content…

Every second stanza rhymed. The vocabulary of this poem are easy to comprehend and easy to put into perspective. The poetic, created some imagery, he created a sad environment for the poem, although the creative was not as of strong point in this poem. The rhythm of this poem is slow and prolonged, this suits the poem and it’s content, for it helps create mood and set the tone of the story and feelings it is trying to

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