This poem clearly represents the heart brokenness of a desperate man who had been shaded by the darkness of the piercing shock he experienced after he was forced to let go of his love, that was so dear to him. Although, he explains that with the love he presented to his significant other, it also brought hard times to their relationship, that caused her to be unhappy. The poet shows his difficult journey to successfully substain himself from her love. This poet chose to show various types of emotion with the themes of this poem. This poem has a purpose of demonstrating of how easy it is to become vulnerable of these moments of despair in one’s lifetime, especially when it comes to love. Life is based around love, people develop great unexplained heart filled feelings, it can even take place in the midst of just a few moments, to ignite that “love at first sight” feeling. When one gives another their heart, he/she must thoroughly trust that their chosen one truly does love them, because from the moment that one experiences love with another person they never truly know if they do. This feeling is very critical for a couple in a relationship. So, when things take a rough path, and one becomes unhappy it may take the other by surprise and catch them at a vulnerable state of mind and heart. This would cause for it to take a …show more content…
Every second stanza rhymed. The vocabulary of this poem are easy to comprehend and easy to put into perspective. The poetic, created some imagery, he created a sad environment for the poem, although the creative was not as of strong point in this poem. The rhythm of this poem is slow and prolonged, this suits the poem and it’s content, for it helps create mood and set the tone of the story and feelings it is trying to
The poem’s structure as a sonnet allows the speaker’s feelings of distrust and heartache to gradually manifest themselves as the poem’s plot progresses. Each quatrain develops and intensifies the speaker’s misery, giving the reader a deeper insight into his convoluted emotions. In the first quatrain, the speaker advises his former partner to not be surprised when she “see[s] him holding [his] louring head so low” (2). His refusal to look at her not only highlights his unhappiness but also establishes the gloomy tone of the poem. The speaker then uses the second and third quatrains to justify his remoteness; he explains how he feels betrayed by her and reveals how his distrust has led him
The author persuades people to use their head before just using the words heart or love to give the word its true meaning. Carruth also displays what happens to words when they tend to be misused which is that they usually lose their value over time if they are not of great importance. Through his writing style in the poem, Carruth shows how people freely use the word “heart” and how it affects the meaning of the word. He opens and closes the poem with a question, refers to the heart as 'it' in the first stanza, and shows uncertainty of the importance of the heart in the first stanza as well.
Throughout the poem the tone and harmony is showing many different moods including shyness, anger and calmness. An example of shyness is at the start of the poem “softy, silently it swishes”, an example of anger is in the middle of the poem “it thumps, it sprays it rips at shores, its ozone spray”, and finally at the end of the poem calmness is shown, “it spends its strength, it sings, it sighs. The wave recedes”. One aspect of the poem I find intriguing is the alliteration and personification. For example, “it sighs, it sings, it seeks”.
Overall, this poem shows the past, present, and future of the writer. His life is full of regret at points and then seems hopeful in others. This poem could be viewed in many ways but mostly you understand it as a man who wishes he could change his past because he knows his future is near and his life will soon be coming to an
Throughout the poem, there is heavy use of metaphor for “poem”. For example, in the first stanza, “I ask them to
The theme” grief “is supported by the construction of the stanza, there is no rhyme scheme or meter, and the speaker seems to be careless about her work. She is too distressed and not even tries to arrange a rhythm to her words.
The speaker uses words such as “louring” (line 2), “deep deceit” (line 8), “grievous” (line 11) and “bale” (line 140. All of these words have sorrowful and despairing meanings to them which gives the whole poem an unhappy tone. The third and fourth lines discus that the speaker cannot even look at the beautiful face, which appears to grow more attractive daily, of the woman he loves. Moreover, the couplet tells the readers that the sorrow in the speaker’s eyes is there because of the pain he has felt due to his faulty relationship. The mouse that “lies aloof for fear of more mishap” (line 7) shows the misery felt by the speaker by using the words “aloof” and “mishap”. “Aloof” means to be stand-offish or reserved, which the speaker is because if he gets too close, he will be hurt again. “Mishap” means disaster or unfortune which altogether sounds miserable. Had the speaker used diction that was lighter or less depressed, the reader truly would not understand the misery the speaker has went through. The miserable diction depicts the deep wounds the speaker received from his love, shedding light to how much he really loved her and how bad she really hurt
The poem conveys that love, unlike summer, does not end, even upon death. True love presents the subject in a favorable light, all the while accentuating the positive aspects of the love’s personality and characteristics. Love allows one to overlook flaws and the loss of beauty due to passing of time; therefore, the friend will be forever remembered as Shakespeare affectionately viewed
The use of symbolism and imagery is beautifully orchestrated in a magnificent dance of emotion that is resonated throughout the poem. The two main ideas that are keen to resurface are that of personal growth and freedom. Furthermore, at first glimpse this can be seen as a simple poem about a women’s struggle with her counterpart. However, this meaning can be interpreted more profoundly than just the causality of a bad relationship.
I grew up bouncing from place to place, never really being able to settle down with a homey feeling. Waving goodbye to familiar faces as I moved onto the next place was all I knew. So if I had I had describe the environment I was raised in I would have to say it was extremely fast pace. Both my parents were in the Army and attending online college. Ever since first grade my parent have instilled the idea that college is the only way to go after high school. I've made sure to work hard in academics while trying to keep up with my ever changing environment.
A poem can paint a thousand images in one’s mind. The poem, Acquainted with the Night, presents a graphic picture of a lonely, depressed man, who is possibly an insomniac, walking the streets on a sad, rainy night .This poem shows the different emotions that the author goes through in order to cope with heartbreak. The poem is aimed at the world in general, and the themes of depression, loneliness, and sadness prevails across the entire poem. The poem follows the format with 3-line stanzas and a scheme of rhyming aba bcb cdc dad aa. This poem proves that the author is going through turmoil within himself and is struggling as the love of his life has moved on with no trace like a thief in the night. The author starts the Poem off as follows;
The poem talks about two parts of human being body which are always in struggle in people’s daily life . Each person has a battle in side him or her . The head and heart just keep fighting when there is a problem ,especially that when the problem related to emotions the heart makes person so emotional while the head takes the realistic part .
The negative emotion of survival has tainted the whole poem, which emphasizes the author’s emotion of his life when he experienced separation of love ones or hardship throughout
In the poem he talks about wanting to say what was most important to him and that everything he knows comes from what he wants to say. He explains that today is different than yesterday, he is wanting to fill the emptiness with hope again. He is hesitant but decides to “not” if someone else would “not”, but is unsure of what he wouldn’t do. He hints at how love changes and he hasn’t earned anything this person is giving him, to him love is a reward that rarely occurs. He says that not having love is tiresome and lonesome, but amusing if you are important to yourself. He exclaims that a dream of that kind of love is only made up in your mind. He questions if his version of love is the real thing or just something he made up. He knows that love is sometimes confused with lust and he fears the unsaid. He thinks that there’s no need to say the unsaid because he thinks about how taken he is by love. He explains that the feeling of love is “some time beyond place, or place beyond time, no mind left to say anything at all” (“For Love”). His fears are relinquished because love takes his fears
In the third stanza the poet echoes the shyness which was mentioned in the first stanza, describing discretion and secrecy as essential elements of true love. To break this discretion, to attempt to share this private world with others, is , to the poet, a mistake. It is a “Love that holds itself in doubt”. Here again the contrast between the mind and true feelings can be seen, This stanza ends with the words that seem to be a definition of love for the poet: “For love is quiet, and love is kind”.