
Love In The Crucible

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In literature there is many themes but the one that stands out the most is love because it is so incredible and an everlasting gift from god. Did you know that love is interesting, confusing, and it can play games with your mind very strong? Millions of people love something or someone so much that they never want to let go of who or what they love. Im sure you have someone in your life that you would do anything for and even die for if it came down to that situation. I have several people like that including my family especially my mom and several of my friends. I have love so strongly for these people because i have been through it all with them and they would do the same for me. No matter where you are in the world you're going to be surrounded …show more content…

Will you be willing to read this to find out which part of love in this story was the best? In the Crucible John's love for his wife is so so deep and strong but, John has a little problem with a girl in the village named Abigail. Abigail loves John very much and would do absolutely anything to be with him but she needs to understand that John is married. John Proctor ends up having sex with Abigail making her more attached than ever so what should he do now he has a wife. John regrets this so much in the end and has to confess to his wife what he has done because he loves her so deeply. Here they are in a small little town with lots of hate but like I said there is always going to be love. Abby loves John so much that she follows him around the village and several times during this story throws herself on John begging for him to love her but he knows what he has done is wrong and moves on. Reverend Hale does everything he can to keep the proctors from being accused of witchcraft. Everytime something bad happens Hale always will talk to the proctors and get them out of the situation they are in. Hale loves all the people in the community it seems except for the court. After all the love that is shown in this story I feel as if the strongest piece of love in it is between John Proctor and his wife. In this story love is expressed in many ways but in this next story it is expressed in …show more content…

The old man never listens to his dog or he would still be alive. He was stuck in a snowstorm and his dog was trying to help him and take him back home but he wouldn't listen to his dog. He did not love this dog and he got so cold that he was going to kill this beautiful dog that loves him so deeply. They are stuck in this horrible blizzard and the dog knows it is going to be bad news. The dog tries to give him signs to tell him this isn't good go back. This old man just continues on and doesn't listen to the creature that is so much smarter than him. The man does not listen to the old man that tells him not to travel alone. He chooses not to listen to this old man because he does not love him or respect him. The only thing that the man loves is himself. If he loved the dog as much as he loves himself he would not have died or had frostbite to the point of death. This story was an example where love is used in the wrong manner by the owner of the dog. If this man listened to his dog or the old man that told him not to travel alone there would have been a completely different outcome benefiting him. Here in this next story love is shown in an incredible way and how it should be

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