The two articles, “Low-Carbohydrate” Food Facts and Fallacies and The Weighty Issue of Low-Carb Diets, or is the Carbohydrate the Enemy?, advocates how the “new” low-carb diet is not entirely healthy. When a person goes on a diet they usually do it for health reasons, such as, trying to lose weight and/or because of a medical issue, for instance diabetes, which was mentioned many times in the articles. However, many people are confused and deceived by the information some food manufactures are putting on their food labels. Food manufactures are “lowering the grams of carbohydrates in processed foods by altering the portion size or replacing naturally occurring carbohydrates with ingredients that are higher in protein, fat, or other types of …show more content…
In my opinion, after reading the two articles I do not think low carb diets help you lose weight, especially in the long term. I think the best way to lose weight is to be educated in what you consume and eat low portions and controlled. Sometimes eating a burger or spaghetti is not bad as long as you control the portions and balance it with vegetables or fruits on your next meal. What do manufactures do to reduce the amount of sugar in foods? To reduce the amount of sugar in foods, manufactures usually replace it with something else such as, sugar alcohol, glycerin, net carbs, impacted carbs, not effective carbs, and other terms. These replacements usually are far worse than having sugars in your food. Do both articles show support for a decrease in carbs causing an increase in the amount of calories consumed? Yes, both articles show enough evidence in the less consumption of carbs and more intakes in calories. People are not eating the bread or pasta, however; instead they are eating more bacon and sugary foods, which makes for an unhealthy meal. Being educated in what you consume is the most important key to a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes the Nutrition Labels in some foods can be misguiding and natural or healthy carbs can be replaced with ingredients that could be far worse for your health. Both articles brought a lot insight in the low-carb diet and how there could
The nutritional dietary consumption of carbohydrates is between 55-75% for the vast majority of the global population as their main source of food intake and energy. And the general populous continues to be misinformed by government agencies regarding what a normal, healthy diet, should be, as well as what a balanced diet looks like. Eating a low-carb high-fat, or ketogenic, diet of high fat, adequate protein and low carbohydrates can provide many health benefits as compared to the alternative of an unhealthy diet. Research suggests that a ketogenic diet builds a healthier body than
(Relevancy Statement) Before I knew this fact, I was the biggest fan of simple carbohydrates and i'm sure a lot of you are too. With me consuming to much carbs, I put on unwanted weight. I spent plenty of money on diet pills and diet teas
Being fit and skinny has become an obsession for many people. A kind of obsession that leads them to cross limits which injure their health. Moreover, many diets and programs are being invented by the profit oriented companies who promise to help to lose weight in a short amount of time. Most of the times, these diets are based on pure results, which violate the recommended dietary guidelines. The Atkins diet is one of the famous weight loss diets which is based on a low carbohydrate concept. It requires a person to consume high fat and high protein diet and decreasing the carbohydrate intake to minimal. Robert Atkins, the inventor of the Atkins Diet claims that, this program will produce fast and long term weight loss results. The claim
This is my small contribution to the worldwide phenomenon known as the Low Carb Diet, and my hope is only to be able to help out one person in need. Should I meet that goal, and you feel you have benefited from reading and using these principles, please feel free to drop me a review and let me know. I will be eternally grateful.
There are several varieties of low-carb diets out there. There's the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Protein Power, the Sugar Busters, Zone, and dozens of others. The one thing that all of these weight loss diets have in common is that rather than counting calories or fat grams, carbohydrates are counted or controlled. Consuming fewer carbohydrates will cause weight loss is the premise on which low-carb diets are based.
The Medical and sports nutrition establishment are horrified by the concept of low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets. While studies are being released almost daily proving the superiority of low carb diets for fat loss, the medical establishment warns against trying them as the long term health risks are "unknown". Apparently it is a case of 'better the devil you know than the devil you don 't '.
Following a low carb diet can be a real challenge some days. For example, I love to go to the movies, but the popcorn is so tempting because I love that as well. Since I only allow myself one cheat meal a week, the idea of using that cheat on popcorn usually isn't at the top of my list. Having some low carb snacks with me can help.
Another factor relates low-carb diet to decreased appetite but no clear explanation exists for this. As fats and protein are incorporated in the meals of a low-carb dieter, they feel full longer because protein and fats take longer for the body to digest. And since one is entirely eliminating one food group from his system, the carbohydrates, the diet reduces the overall calorie intake as it limits the variety of food entering the body. This is especially because carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice, cereals, milk or most fruits and sweets already make up over a half of people’s daily calories. Reducing these would evidently produce results if the diet is followed through religiously (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2008) .
This article is called “Diet Study Suggests It's Carbs, Not Fats, That Are Bad for You”. This article talked about how they had a new study that was suggesting that high intake of carbs is worse than you than fats are. It really compared the risks of deaths with different intakes of fats verses carbohydrates. It also talked about how you should still get the recommended intake of fruits and vegetables a day. They explained how the trail went and that they studied more than 135,000 people from the ages 35-70 that were from around 18 different countries and had them tell them their daily diets. They tracked them for around 7 years and had followed ups every 3 years. They still haven’t the decided what the best diet to have is but this may be
However, there is conflict of what is good for you and what others say is good for you. The Atkins Diet, which completely goes against the medical establishment’s standards of health, seems to portray Robert Atkins as incompetent in his field; nutritionists and obesity researchers alike have all warned dieters that low-carbohydrate diets were dangerous and not recommended (as any long term lack of a macronutrient is detrimental to one’s health). There had even been successions of these claims. The Southern Medical Journal reported the case of a 16 year old Missouri girl who died following the diet outline. Many experts have suggested that the extreme low amounts of carbohydrates had contributed to her disordered cardiac rhythm, which eventually lead to her death (Barnard 1). Dr. Atkins had earned his title as somewhat of a medical revolutionist because his health ‘tips’ are so far astray from the standard. Being an expert in the areas of dieting and nutrition, his research lead to successful weight loss (a series of six studies conducted at Duke University which proved the weight loss in the Atkins Diet) (Robert Atkins 1), but there has been numerous controversies stating that the weight loss was caused by fewer calories, not less carbohydrates. It could have also been the immense fiscal factor and the reputation that needed upholding which contributed to Atkins’ denial of risk; it possibly was not his own actual mentality. His
I believe if you eat carbs in moderation they will not affect you in a bad way. However, most people overeat and do not pay attention to what they eat. The only way carbs will affect someone in a negative way is by overeating, eating the wrong carbs or if you have a certain body type and your body just does not use them the right way. Some people just never know when to stop eating. They have 3 or more plates of food full of starches and sugar. In this day and age, children, teenagers, and adults are becoming obese from eating very wrongly. I have never seen someone’s refrigerator with just pizza and frozen meals, but that is what this generation has grown accustomed to. There are 3 body types, Mesomorph, Ectomorph, and Endomorph. When endomorphs
The majority of low-carb diets are based on the assumption that "obesity and most of its related problems are often (maybe even usually) caused by an insulin problem, not chronic overeating, fat consumption, or refined sugars per se" ( Therefore, a low-carb diet seeks to curb carbohydrate cravings by lowering overall carbohydrate intake. The philosophy of low-carb diets is that when the cravings have subsided, not only will carbohydrate intake be substantially lower, but food intake in general will decline, resulting in weight loss. There are many low-carb diet plans that are available. Some of the most popular include:
This is conceived and designed diet plan for those who are on a low carb diet. Though all others who take care of their diet can try out this low carb lifestyle. However, before embarking on any new dietary regimen, please see your physician or a registered nutritionist.
I like his idea of low carb diets though some of his patients followed the strict diet he outlines. Sincerely, the introduction of medical devices for glucose control is really a big step. The technology advance in the transition from a heavy first generation of the insulin pumps to a small one is a huge success. The writer encouraged the use of the insulin pump, and also, commend on how importantly it helped him to be more involved with the management of the disease. These goes as much as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, insulin doses.
First, let’s look at some of the background information of low-carb diets. Also, we will look at a couple different diets and what their different phases are. A low-carb diet is one that restricts the intake of carbohydrates for the purpose of losing weight. Foods high in carbs, like sugar, bread, and pasta, are often replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of fats and protein, such as meat, fish, and eggs. Other foods low in carbs, which include some vegetables and fruits, are also acceptable. It is also important to