
Low Spinal Extension

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Each year, 12% to 33% of working adults are affected by low back pain. Reports suggest that approximately 70% to 95% of adults will experience low back pain. Individuals with reported back pain frequently present with decreased spinal mobilization. Limited spinal extension is noted more than limited spinal flexion. Pain and stiffness may lead to decreased spinal extension and classified as either segmental (at one vertebral level) or general (total spine). Range of motion exercises and spinal mobilization are common treatments prescribed to improve spinal extension. Passive segmental mobilization and press-up exercises are common methods used to increase extension in the spine. Both treatments have been proven effective in decreasing pain, …show more content…

Only vertebral segments at rest and end range were analyzed for the purpose of this study. The intervertebral angle was measured using the National Institute of Health Image software. Intervertebral angles are defined as the distance between two end plates. The difference between end range and resting intervertebral angles was defined as segmental lumbar motion. An increase in spinal extension denoted a positive value, whereas a negative value was denoted by a decrease in spinal extension. On two separate occurrences, MRI images were performed on five non-symptomatic individuals, to ascertain intratester reliability. The differences between the intervention group and total participants were compared over time by the use of a 2X2 (group X time) variance analysis. If substantial changes were noted, the individual effects were analyzed …show more content…

The results of this study show that both treatment interventions are just as effective in pain reduction and increased spinal mobility following a single treatment. A post boc correlation (relationship between variables) analysis was performed in order to explore the relationship between changes in pain and lumbar extension motion. Researchers analyzed the relationship between an increase in motion and decrease in pain for this study. Researchers focused on the instantaneous effects of intervention only. All participants reported both an increase of pain and presented an increase in spinal extension, following interventions. There was not a measurable difference between the two intervention groups. However, researchers did find that either PA mobilization or press-up exercises are effective interventions for relieving systems associated with nonspecific low back

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