
Lululemon Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

3) Key Success Factors-
- Community based Marketing (because it will help their ideal customers chose to shop at Lululemon over and over again). This really will work for Lululemon because they are a small business and they are quite expensive so a community based marketing would be ideal for them.
- Superior customer interactions The business really needs to look at the product from the outside (from the buyer/customers point of view). If the company does this, the product would be found perfect to the customer and they will come back wanting more. This is really important especially for small businesses like Lululemon because they have a limited amount of customers and leaving the customer unsatisfied would cost them a lot of money that …show more content…

The latest social media site today is probably Instagram and Tumbler. These social media sites would cause the business good use to try and get others to see the Lululemon business.
1) Competition from entrants- One of the many things that affects the triggers of competition is how well the economy is doing (since the cost of material and cost to produce the apparel will fluctuate as the economies rate may). For instance, if the economy is doing really well, than the cost of the material used to make the merchandise will cost less hence other competitors may lower their prices.
Competition from established rivals- There are many things that separate each company (product differentiation) and these will not only cause each company to be unique and different, but it may also cause the different companies to compete through these differences. These things may include brands, prices, material the merchandise is made from, design, weather the yoga's are vegan friendly, etc. Power of suppliers- Most yoga making companies use cheap materials such as plastic, elastic, polyester, etc. The suppliers that have a higher advantage would be the companies that use unique

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