
Lung Cancer : The Leading Cause Of Death Caused By Cancer

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Lung cancer has impacted many people’s lives in the world today. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death caused by cancer in the United States (Lewis, 2014, pg. 535). The diagnosis of lung cancer is proceeded by a low cure rate and a high mortality rate. Diagnosis of lung cancer increases the person’s level of physical distress, psychological distress and social isolation (Johnston, 2013). Due to the low cure rate, palliative care becomes essential after the diagnosis of incurable/inoperable lung cancer. In palliative care, the nurses and team of physicians must work together. Palliative care allows the suffering person to have a reduction in hospital stays, more time spent at home with family, and greater patient satisfaction; it also allows the patient to have a voice in the dying process (Dale, 2011). Early access to palliative care increases the persons understanding of his/her illness, and facilitates coping and symptom management (Johnston, 2013). In palliative care, it is important for the nurse to initiate and a patient-centered relationship (Dale, 2011.). The role of the nurse is very important in palliative care.
Overall goals of a patient with lung cancer include that the patient will have effective breathing patterns, adequate airway clearance, adequate oxygenation of tissues, minimal to no pain, and a realistic attitude about treatment and prognosis (Lewis, 2014, pg. 540). Palliative care is aimed at assisting patients manage the psychological and physical

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