
MGT 599 Case 3 Internal Analysis Kraft Foods Essay examples

Better Essays

Module 3 Case
MGT 599 Strategic Management
Dr. Nanette Metz

Executive Summary Kraft Foods is the second largest consumer packaged food and beverage company in the world with revenues of approximately $19B. After 110 years Kraft Foods has excelled as an organization and become a well recognized household name. Through the utilization of a SWOT analysis Kraft Foods has been able to determine internal and external threats and opportunities to help them remain on top of their industry. Competition in the food industry is extremely high and through adaptability and change Kraft Foods is able to provide their consumer with better quality and affordable foods. This adaptability has …show more content…

Kraft Foods has nearly 23,000 employees and takes pride in “hiring, training, educating and retaining qualified individuals that “make their company stronger” (Kraft Foods, 2014). Kraft Foods understands that happy satisfied employees enhance their products and brand name and without these people the company would not be as successful (Kraft Foods). Through empowerment of their employees innovative ideas are generated enhancing brand quality and rendering increased revenues (Kraft Foods, 2014). Additionally in 2008 Kraft developed the website ‘Innovate with Kraft’ which sought to obtain creative ideas from consumers relating to products, packaging and processes (Key, n.d.).
Organizations must analyze internal weaknesses to determine ways in which to accomplish their mission and achieve full potential and financial success (Management Study Guide, 2013). Determining weaknesses can generate opportunities for future success. Although Kraft Foods is number two in the food industry there are numerous factors to be improved upon. A major weakness of Kraft Foods is their low market share, only 9% in a $40B global food industry (Vuru Financials, 2014). This demonstrates weak geographic positioning, especially in markets outside North America (Vuru Financials). Nestle, Kraft Foods number one rival, enhanced their net profits by nearly 11.5%, while

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