
Main Characters In Howard Fast's April Morning By Howard Fast

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The novel “April Morning” by Howard Fast takes place in the early days of the American Revolution in April of seventeen seventy five. The story revolves around the main character, a young fifteen year old boy named Adam Cooper and his family. His family includes his father, mother, grandmother, and his younger brother Levi. The story takes place in Lexington, Massachusetts, and at the time the residents of Massachusetts were angry against the British rule. They believed the British were taking rights away from the Colonists. The Colonists of Massachusetts believed that rights came from God, and not from King George The Third who had rule over British at this time. Adam and his father, Moses had very different opinions on the matter, and were never at peace with one another. The story takes place in a time span of just one day when the redcoats march through and attack Lexington. The town agree to muster the militia in order to protect themselves, and as that is happening Adam overhears his parents calling him a man rather than a boy. Adam is chastised by his father, and loads his gun, joining the fight. The British fire upon the militia, killing Adams father Moses, which causes Adam to flee. Adam at this point is only fifteen years old, and after seeing his father fall to the ground he acts as a child and cannot handle what he has gotten into. He hides in a smokehouse until his brother, Levi comes in. Levi tells Adam to leave the town because the British are

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