
Making Money from Drug Trafficking

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If there is anything that turns over the most profit for organized crime, most would argue that it drug trafficking. In comparison to the costs to produce illegal drugs, it is considerably low in compared to the exponential profits. However, drugs inflict more than just physical harm to those that use it. From the time drugs are produced or harvested, it takes part in lives of people who come in contact with it, directly or indirectly, in a manner that is detrimental, not only to their personal integrity, but health as well. The couriers or “mules” perhaps takes the most risk, but have the least to gain and are the least protected from violence and persecution. Drugs come into the United States via different routes, some make it here through the vast desert and border crossings between the United States and Mexico, air drops from small planes and underground tunnels, even menacing citizens living near the border. There are those that also make it here through more crafty ways, like a submarine. The drug cartels would go through any length to make sure that their products reach their most conducive costumers. Willoughby (2003) stated
The “US drug demand-currently running at an annual rate of 900 tons for marijuana, 300 tons for cocaine, 13 tons for heroin, and 9 tons for methamphetamine” (p. 128). In order for these drugs to leave their country and make it to its destination, they bribe numerous government officials, police and military officers, and customs and

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