
Managing Acute Pain On Patients, Along With Post Operative Recovery Pain

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Managing acute pain in patients, along with post-operative recovery pain, is an essential part of nursing. Because it can affect each and every part of the human body, managing pain is important for the health and safety of patients. Effective pain management can increase patient satisfaction and overall well-being, fulfilling the role of a nurse. A nurse must be able to look at ways to manage patients’ pain, the ethical aspects of managing pain, along with how to educate patients on the matter.
Patient-Centered Care in Pain Management As a nurse, establishing a care plan that is individualized to a specific patient has the potential to increase positive psychosocial and physical patient outcomes. Plans may contain …show more content…

Not only is visually assessing a patient’s pain important, but so is having nurse-patient interaction. This includes asking open-ended questions and listening to what patients have to say. It is important not to rush the patient when they are answering so that they can answer to the best of their ability. Accepting the answers patients give to questions asked means also trusting their answers. This will give them a sense of safety and security (Baath, Wilde-Larsson, Idvall, & Hall-Lord, 2012). Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is an option for helping manage pain in patients. By turning on the dosing button of an infusion pump, patients can self-administer appropriate doses of an analgesic within a certain time frame. Using the PCA pump allows the patient to treat their pain in a safe way without allowing the patient to overdose on the analgesia. Understanding the cause and effect relationship between pain, analgesic administration, and relief is essential in order for a patient to be a candidate to receive PCA therapy (Cooney et al., 2013). Authorized agent controlled analgesia (AACA) has the same effects as PCA for those patients who are not eligible to independently use PCA. An authorized individual activates the dose button for the patient when there is a pain response (Cooney et al., 2013). Local anesthetics can be used for pain management during a dermal procedure. These can be either injected or applied

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