
Managing Type I Diabetes On Adolescents

Better Essays

Emily Dunton
I-Search Paper
Professor O’Brien
Due: December 2, 2014

Managing Type I Diabetes in Adolescents

The Question How adolescents manage type I diabetes is a rather interesting topic to me. This topic interests me because I have a friend who has type I diabetes and because I learned some things about this disease in my class, Nutrition Science, and I wanted to learn more about it. I wanted to do some more research, particularly looking at children with Type I Diabetes. Some information that I do already know about Type I Diabetes is that people, who have this unfortunate disease, need to take insulin shots. Without these insulin shots, one may go into a diabetic shock, and can even die. Most people with this type of diabetes are …show more content…

Do they need help from a parent? Or do they manage it all on their own? From doing the research I could then answer my own questions about this disease.

The Story of My Search My research took about three weeks. I began my investigation by rereading my notes and my textbook to refresh my memory on the background information about type I diabetes. Then I found peer reviewed articles about the management of type I diabetes in adolescents on The site provided me with many articles and studies of managing this type of diabetes in adolescents. Before I could read any of the articles, I had to request them through the library, which took a couple of days. Once I received and read the articles that I requested, I chose, what I thought were, the best three articles. The articles provided me with statistics and data that the authors of this article had collected while conducting their study. From there I went onto the Google search engine and typed in type I diabetes in children. Out of the many, the site that I chose to use was the Kids Health website. The information that was provided on the site was up to date and easy to follow and it answered the many questions I had about diabetes. This is the only source that I had evaluated because it was not a peer-reviewed journal. To evaluate my source I had used the “Questions for Web Source Evaluation” worksheet that was e-mailed to me by my professor. This

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