
Mandatory Driving Laws And Legislation For Teenagers

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“In 2011, about 2,650 teenagers in the United States aged sixteen to nineteen were killed and almost 292,000 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes. That means that seven teenagers’ ages sixteen to nineteen died every day from motor vehicle related injuries” (Teenage 1). Teenage driving has become an increasingly controversial topic over the past ten years. Many adults and politicians are fighting for tougher driving laws and legislation for teenagers. While soon-to-be teenage drivers, along with current teenage drivers and busy parents argue that things are fine just the way they are. But, when the leading cause of death among teenagers in the nation is traffic accidents, things cannot be considered “fine”. It is obvious that there is a need for change and something must be done to save the lives of teenagers throughout the United States. In an effort to lessen the number of traffic injuries and deaths among teenage drivers, states need to adopt a Graduated Driver Licensing Program (GDL), which encompasses night-time driving, passenger limitation, cell phone use, seat belt use, a minimum holding period, and a minimum amount of supervised driving hours. In the area of safety issues among teenage drivers, studies have shown that driver education classes and training are simply not enough, and the solution every study has found is a Graduated Driver Licensing Program, also referred to as, GDL. A Graduated Driver Licensing Program

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