
Mao Zedong And Chinese Communism In The Philippines

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The 1950s can be described as the golden age of Chinese communism. The party seized all farmland from landlords and redistributed it among the people, with the landlords getting the same share as everyone else. The banks and the biggest industrial businesses were transferred from private to state ownership, but smaller firms were left under the control of their owners, or under teams of workers and managers. There was unjust treatment, but it was mostly limited to former Kuomintang officials or people who didn’t support Mao Zedong and his endeavors. A huge percentage of the people who were pleased with the changes brought by the communists, were peasants. However, Mao Zedong strived to win everyone’s hearts. He removed most foreign “enclaves” and reasserted Chinese sovereignty to please intellectuals. Jung Chang's father was a compelling example of an ideal communist official. He was well educated, rigidly moral, and hard working. He refused to use his position to help his extended family, and he opposed corruption and nepotism within the party, which made him very popular with the people. However, most of the officials in the Communist Party were corrupt. For example, the Tings were a vindictive couple who abused their influential position and great power to purge many talented people who they didn’t get along with, or were simply jealous of. Zhang Xi-ting was Bao Qin’s boss when she was in Yibin. Mrs. Ting attempted to kiss Bao Qin’s husband, Wan Yu, when she was not

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