The world has many students that are always excluded in group activities and are being bullied, which can lead to many consequences and things that people might think are mindblowing. The article, “Marginalized: Members of society face increased suicide thoughts”, written by Barbara Christiansen, with the genre of nonfiction, was written to provide information on how an outsider feels and thoughts that will rise once becoming one. Additionally, an article, “India: Marginalized Children Denied Education”, written by Human Rights Watch, with the genre of nonfiction, provides information in more depth of being trivialized in the world and how it affects many people with their daily lives. Despite Although isolation can cause the growth of a strong …show more content…
Students with the help of guardians such as parents/teachers are able to learn and master self-control, however many who are not encouraged or loved can have hard times and are more likely to have thoughts of suicide or ending his/her life. It has been proven that all the people on earth somehow want to be liked or loved, and as a child, they should be loved more than anything, but if the connection is not completed, the child will be thinking about their life as being born to be hated, which can be very hurtful. There has been times where hatred leads to bullying, and that being too personal for the child to handle (Kang 1). In the world, many students are being picked on, and being hated by many others, for the reasons of being different, or just simply for “bullies” to look cool, which does not make them look cool, but very abusive. Oppressors can be stopped, however there has been many cases of suicide or having great depression because of endless bullying and getting picked on by many haters. Critics argue …show more content…
Children must all have education no matter what even if they are just simply poor and are not having the best quality of life, “The 77-page report, “‘They Say We’re Dirty’: Denying an Education to India’s Marginalized” (India 1). A difference in humankind is a common act of becoming an outsider, which is not ok, because everyone on earth that are human’s are humans, which brings up the fact that disrespecting another of one’s kind is simply cruelty. A difference in how one was born does not give an excuse to the people who are acting upon it because it is disrespect towards all human kinds and being excluded and isolated because of this one fact does not prove one’s quality. There are many people in the world who do not receive equal rights because of how they look and because “of their living conditions” (India 2). When a newborn is born, they are innocent and do not qualify to be part of anything that had earlier happened to their parents, which brings up the fact that their living conditions do not describe in words who they are and why they are living there. People living in bad-conditioned areas can be possibly living there because of their poor wealth or because they have many of their friends and families their, which has been proven and confirmed that excuses of these kinds will not be tolerated for marginalizing
Bullies may grow up and lead a life of ultimate rebellion or crime. These students start off with bullying and advance into acts of vandalism, theft, and alcohol and possible drug abuse. Left unchallenged, the bully will never understand that their behavior is inappropriate. The bully will grow up, victimize, and start a family of budding, pint-sized oppressors. Bullying is a learned behavior. Whereas, the victim may live a life of depression and anxiety. The victim may never reach their full potential because of fear and uncertainty. The victim has a difficult time making and keeping friends, and seeks to stay clear of confrontation. The victim loses his/her control or voice and lives in the shadow of the aggressor. Over time, the victim may begin to miss class, fake illnesses, and believe that he or she deserves bad treatment. In the end,
In the article Big Bad Bully by Hara Estroff Marano she discusses the main components of behavior that make up a bully, who can be a bully and why people choose to bully others. In the beginning of the article she focuses on suicide victims who could no longer take the mental, physical and emotional abuse of bullying. Marano (2017), “Months later, in Cherokee County, Georgia, 15-year-old Brian Head grew tired of the same teasing and deeds. The denouement was only slightly more remarkable. He shot himself to death—in front of his classmates. He walked to the front of the classroom and pulled the trigger.” The same teasing and deeds Marano is speaking of is being tripped in the hall, various name calling and being physically bullied. The article goes into depth of how the Western society treats bullying. We are prone to often dismiss bullying as kids being kids and, teachers are in denial that any such behavior exist in their class. However, the sad truth is that more times than not there is always a classroom bully. Because we often overlook the severity of bullying choosing to close our eyes we get a harsh reality when someone commits suicide. It forces us to acknowledge the hard truth with open eyes that we have chosen to close for too long.
In the article, “Why our approach to bullying is bad for kids” by Susan Portor talks about how our culture reacts to bullying in the school system. Bullying has been a worldwide epidemic in our school system. The children that are being bullied end up having emotional distress that can lead to depression, maybe bullying others to gain back some control, even hurting themselves and the extreme of committing suicide.
The loss of status in society, an inability to provide for one’s family, and unattained educational goals can lead to isolation and marginalization (Ahmed & Reddy, 2007).
After seeing the children having to go to school in such unsafe conditions, the problem of social stratification became even more depressing. Those children should have the right to go to school in the same conditions as others who also attend safe public schools. Not being able to conduct physical education in a gymnasium is absurd. The children’s education should not have to suffer due to theirs parents economic well-being classifying them on a lower scale and rating them as less important on the social stratification
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”- Malcolm X. These words exquisitely describe what was wrong with the society in Brave New World. From the moment people are born they are forced into one of 5 predetermined castes. There are groups of people that are the complete opposite of the society that is first introduced that are recognized as savages and are held on reservations. The few people that feel they don’t conform to the ideals of the society are often exiled in order to ensure the population stays tantamount to their assigned caste. The public views this society as perfect when in actuality it is the complete opposite.
According to, ¨Over 77 percent of students have been bullied verbally, mentally, and physically. Each day about 160,000 students miss school because of bullying or because of their fear of being bullied.¨ According to, ¨86% of students said, “other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in schools.¨ When a student gets harassed or bullied it adds anger inside of them and hate. The feeling of being picked on and having this negative attention can make a child act out or feel hatred and somehow want a way to let the anger out. They could also have it all stuffed inside with all of these horrible thoughts and one day decide to explode which could result in a horrible outcome.
Some people may even say that bullying can often be seen as a good thing in a child’s development and not just as a gateway to self-harm. The act of bullying, despite leading towards many negative repercussions, can introduce children to rather early, but harsh, lessons that not everybody in life is going to treat them as nice as they think. David Derbyshire’s article, “Why it’s not bad to be bullied,” states that that the mutual detestation of two individuals can actually help students in developing things such as healthy social and emotional skills, as well as sometimes having an even bigger impact on their development towards making friendships.”(Derbyshire, “Why it’s not bad to be bullied”). Even though the study did not suggest that it was healthy to be the victim of bullying, it also found that negative experiences, such as bullying, could teach children about conflict
I used to cry when my father took me there. I didn’t feel like I was like the other children” (Human Rights Watch). Balkumari is a young woman with a physical disability that makes her have a difficult time walking. Her father did not let her attend school until she was 11 years old. She did not like the school because she felt that she did not belong there. This is because the kids in her school felt uncomfortable around her, which probably led them to turn away from her and make her feel like she did not belong there. The kids were not around her enough to get to know her personally, instead of knowing her for her disability. Looking at this story, it shows that we need to integrate disabled and nondisabled students together, so they can get to know each other and get to know their personalities, instead of looking at them for the tasks that they are limited to doing. Overall, it is clear to see that the third reason not enough is being done for disabled children to be accepted by nondisabled children is because disabled and non-disabled kids still do not feel comfortable talking to one another because they are not around each other
Bullying has become a major issue in the United States and around the world. What brought the attention to people about bullying is the number of suicides that are committed by adolescents and the stories they share online or live television. Bullying is categorized to be direct verbal, direct physical, and indirect forms. Not every person has an idea how terrible bullying can be and how harmful it is to the victim. Bullying has driven students to commit actions they have never done before such as cutting themselves, suicidal thoughts, health disorders, and bad behavior. Bullying must be taken seriously, because it results in negative effects on its victims and may drive students to commit horrific actions. Lawmakers should draft anti-bullying legislation, students should stand up for one another, and society should work out what can be done to combat this problem.
According to conflict perspective, the powerful group in family is the parent and the powerless group is children. The children must undergo the socialization in order to grow up to an adult who has the ability to live in the society. Unfortunately, some of the aspects of socialization is harmful to children because the children forced to be depend on their parent to survive so that their parent will acquire an enormous power which can be tempted to exploit and abuse the children. The statistic has shown that among 3 million children in United States are abused, including more than 1200 who are murdered by their parents every year (Thio, 2007). From the condition above, we can conclude that the children are the prisoner of the society because
Bullying, by definition “is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance” (Stop Bullying). Bullying has quickly become a serious problem in schools, and it negatively impacts both the bully and the victim. Students who have been bullied even once in their lifetime have a higher risk of attempting suicide, and in general have lower self-esteem, causing them to have difficulty maintaining relationships. Bullies themselves also begin to harass their peers because they have been abused or uncared for by their own family. While it may seem bullying is just a normal part of the high school experience, victims of bullying can face many psychological problems. Bullying is not something that should be disregarded, but instead should be properly addressed so that children who are bullied can find the help they desperately need.
However, they are individuals just like any other child and they should be given the same opportunities that all children have. Poverty is a huge problem in many areas of the world. MacQueen states “poverty puts children behind from birth, and keeps them behind for life (2003).” If a child is in a household with little money, they may lack “the stable home in a safe neighbourhood, adequate nutrition, and the kind of involved parenting” that would be influential on the correct and desired development of the young child (MacQueen, 2003).
Bullying is the cause of many suicides and deaths (Home n. pag). In McCormack’s article, he explains how many students are bullied each day and harassed to the point where they question their own self-esteem. They are no longer
As more and more children go to school, the rates of bullying go up as time goes by. there are many times at which students suffer all the bullying that occurs within their lives. As more schools become aware of the magnitude of the bullying occurring right under their noses, there are rules created to aid the victim. There are various types of bullying and these are created to do one thing, instill superiority among the “stronger” and place a feeling of inferiority. Bullies are the ones who are detrimental to a child’s development.