
Marginalized Children Denied Education By Barbara Christiansen: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The world has many students that are always excluded in group activities and are being bullied, which can lead to many consequences and things that people might think are mindblowing. The article, “Marginalized: Members of society face increased suicide thoughts”, written by Barbara Christiansen, with the genre of nonfiction, was written to provide information on how an outsider feels and thoughts that will rise once becoming one. Additionally, an article, “India: Marginalized Children Denied Education”, written by Human Rights Watch, with the genre of nonfiction, provides information in more depth of being trivialized in the world and how it affects many people with their daily lives. Despite Although isolation can cause the growth of a strong …show more content…

Students with the help of guardians such as parents/teachers are able to learn and master self-control, however many who are not encouraged or loved can have hard times and are more likely to have thoughts of suicide or ending his/her life. It has been proven that all the people on earth somehow want to be liked or loved, and as a child, they should be loved more than anything, but if the connection is not completed, the child will be thinking about their life as being born to be hated, which can be very hurtful. There has been times where hatred leads to bullying, and that being too personal for the child to handle (Kang 1). In the world, many students are being picked on, and being hated by many others, for the reasons of being different, or just simply for “bullies” to look cool, which does not make them look cool, but very abusive. Oppressors can be stopped, however there has been many cases of suicide or having great depression because of endless bullying and getting picked on by many haters. Critics argue …show more content…

Children must all have education no matter what even if they are just simply poor and are not having the best quality of life, “The 77-page report, “‘They Say We’re Dirty’: Denying an Education to India’s Marginalized” (India 1). A difference in humankind is a common act of becoming an outsider, which is not ok, because everyone on earth that are human’s are humans, which brings up the fact that disrespecting another of one’s kind is simply cruelty. A difference in how one was born does not give an excuse to the people who are acting upon it because it is disrespect towards all human kinds and being excluded and isolated because of this one fact does not prove one’s quality. There are many people in the world who do not receive equal rights because of how they look and because “of their living conditions” (India 2). When a newborn is born, they are innocent and do not qualify to be part of anything that had earlier happened to their parents, which brings up the fact that their living conditions do not describe in words who they are and why they are living there. People living in bad-conditioned areas can be possibly living there because of their poor wealth or because they have many of their friends and families their, which has been proven and confirmed that excuses of these kinds will not be tolerated for marginalizing

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