
Marijuana Use Cannabis For Recreational Purposes

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Cannabis has been used for medical, recreational, and industrial purposes for many years. Cannabis plant is used in some countries for religious rituals, for example, in Nepal and India people have used cannabis in their religious rituals a practice that was started many years ago (Joffe and Yancy 51). The twentieth century has seen many countries around the world enact laws, which criminalizes the sale, use, and possessing cannabis. By the fall of the year 1905, twenty-nine states around the world had enacted laws that mention cannabis. In the year 1925, the International Opium Convention banned the exportation of cannabis from been exported producing countries like India to other countries around the world that prohibited its use (Mikos 663).
The twenty first century has seen some states in the United States such as Colorado and Washington as well as some countries like Uruguay enact laws that legitimize the use cannabis for recreational purposes. In the present time, cannabis takes the lead as the most used illegal drug world over (Khatapoush and Hallfors 98). The illegalization of the drug was orchestrated by its perceived negative effects not only to the health of the user, but also to that of other and to the global economy. However, the criminalization of this drug has given rise to a heated debate. Many religious bodies, activists, and politicians have thrown their support behind the cannabis criminalization over many years. However, the clear

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