
Marilyn Monroe Death

Decent Essays

Contemplating on what topic I should research; while simultaneously checking my email, an article came up concerning Marilyn Monroe. Thinking to myself, this is a sign to begin my internet research on her. As a result, this gave me an interesting way I came up with a topic. I clicked the link, which went to the Huffington Post news video discussing Marilyn’s death, how her appearance was dramatically different from her trademark features. The video stated that her face was all swollen and she owned false teeth. Saddened by the clip and the atrocious taste with respect of the deceased; undoubtedly I wouldn’t wish for my appearance to be brought up years later regarding how appalling my features were at the time of my demise. I decided to explore and learn more concerning her …show more content…

Why is she in the news again? I typed in the question in the search engine, Why is Marilyn Monroe famous to this day? This was fruitless, it took me back to the previous websites I already checked out. Not giving up, feeling determined to find my answer. From the articles I have read; concluded she is a beautiful woman, died young and the mystery behind it, exhibited a fascination for the Kennedys’ and sex symbol. To sum up the answer to the question I will refer to a quote from an article, “Monroe was one-of-a-kind.” (Zimmerman) Getting an answer as to why she is in the news currently, was a bit tricky. I had Googled Huffington Post Marilyn Monroe. The entire web page in the Huffington Post is hers. From what I have presumed, I am assuming it has to do with her date of birth, she was born on June 1, 1926. This is June, from recent articles on the Huffington Post website; I assume that the reason for her being relevant news wise is due to it being her birthday month. Marilyn Monroe will always be in the news and online, it is just something about her that draws people to her life and to

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