
Marine Corps Leadership Qualities

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The United States Marine Corps has fourteen leadership traits. One of those traits is ‘Integrity.’ I look at integrity as ‘doing the right thing when no one is watching.’ However, the Oxford Dictionary defines integrity as, “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. The state of being whole and undivided. The state of being whole and undivided. Internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data.” Integrity is vital to any leader because the people that they are leading is depending on them to lead them in the right direction. “Most ministers want to be persons of integrity, persons whose professional lives uphold the highest ethical ideals,” state Trull and Carter. Integrity is the glue that keeps all the other parts of leadership intact. …show more content…

A character is can be shaped at an early age by someone that the person looks up to, admire, or want to immolate. Character is defined by Oxford Dictionary as, “The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. The quality of being individual in an interesting or unusual way. Strength and originality in a person's nature.” As a leader, just as people look for your integrity, they will also watch your character. People will buy into the leader before they will buy into the role of the leader. Cloud and Townsend cite, “Victims of trauma in the family are almost always recipients of poor or sinful character-relating patterns….We contribute to our boundary issues by our own individual character styles. For example, some people with a constitutionally greater amount of aggression deal with boundary problems more confrontationally. And some with less aggression shy more from boundaries.” Consequently, character, whether positive or negative, will have an effect on how one conduct themselves. Conduct will ensure that ethical choices are being made with the

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