
Personal Leadership Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Personal Leadership Statement
To be an effective leader, you must influence your followers and motivate them towards a common goal. This can be achieved in several ways, but there are a few qualities that really stand out to me as the most important. The first of which is integrity. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. (Northouse, 2016). As a leader, it is imperative that you demonstrate loyalty, dependability and the highest moral character. If your followers do not believe you have integrity, it will be extremely difficult for you to garner their trust and inspire the confidence needed to eventually influence them to work with you in achieving a common goal.
Another important leadership behavior I really admire is servant leadership. In servant leadership, the focus shifts to a followers first philosophy. (Northouse, 2016). By attending to the needs of followers first, leaders are able to build up their followers and create a culture of caring and respect and ultimately lead their team and their organization to greatness.
These are two leadership qualities I try to implement in my leadership style. Not only do I strive to build up my followers and help them to grow and develop, but I strive to be a strong, moral leader they can look up to as well. I am a strong proponent of lifelong learning, I will continue to study leadership so I can learn and grow as I strive to improve my own leadership abilities.

Northouse, Peter

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