
Marketing Food To Children Essay

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The long term health effects of marketing sugar and processed food to children cannot be denied. Before I can get into the health effects, I have to look into these highly processed foods that are marketed to young people.
According to HBO’s article “Marketing food to Children “.The food industry spends well over 1.6 billion dollars per year marketing to children. The vast majority of these foods are high in calories, fat, sugar, sodium, and preservatives. Many of the preservatives are fillers, to stretch the companies’ profits, and have unknown long term consequences. The foods that are most heavily targeted to children are fast foods, carbonated beverages, sugar loaded breakfast cereals, salty snacks and baked goods. These tend to be high in calories and nutritionally poor. Children are very important to marketers. They influence their parents and friends’ decisions. Every day children 2 to 17 years of age watch between 12-21 food commercials and that’s just on television (Haupt). They are also being bombarded by ads on the internet, video games, and smart phones. They’ve also introduced fast food into the schools. Many elementary and middle schools have Pizza Huts, Taco Bells, and various other restaurants in the schools. The fruits and …show more content…

The companies are trying to introduce brand loyalty to your children at a very young age (Mercola). When you eat these high calorie, low nutrition foods, they give you more than enough calories, but don’t provide the vitamins and minerals the body needs to thrive. Making children sluggish and unmotivated. I’ve also heard them say they are still hungry. They are still hungry for vitamins, amino acids, and other necessary nutrients that are not present in the foods they are eating. So, they come back for second plates, not realizing they are just adding calories and sugar to their diet, and still not getting the nutrients they

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