
Marketing In Not-For-Profit Sector Essay

Decent Essays

Mistakes of Marketing in Not for Profit Sector: To that end, Not-for-Profit sector plays a significant role in not just shaping the community, but also helps make the world a better place. Many not-for-profit sectors’ main agenda is promoting their missions and raising funds, however with changes in society, including technological advancement it is clear that many not-for-profit organizations have a difficult time promoting their organizations in an online basis. Especially today's strategists will tend to exclude the content of online and social media uses in the not-for-profit sector. In order for a not-for-profit sector to succeed, it is important to include technological advancements in the discussion of strategic planning. There are many common mistakes strategists make when creating a plan for the not for profit sector. One of the examples is failing to help …show more content…

with the use of online services. These services could not just benefit the community but benefit those who are unable to retrieve these resources. With not-for -profit sector using this approach, this will help organizations promote their mission, values, beliefs and their goals for the organizations and in addition to this this will allow not-for-profit sector to expand their organization outside of the community. In addition to this not-for -profit sector needs to invest money in marketing such as website, social media, search engine optimization and other promotional and fundraising services should be viewed as an investment that will generate a positive return for the organization (Pressel, 2014). Not only do grants play a significant role in providing funds and profits for not-for-profit sector organizations, but also organizations should into directly fund programs and services. Overall at the end of the day marketing plays a meaningful role in the not –for-profit sector as it contributes greatly to the success of the organizations, as

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