
Marketing Recommendations And Analysis: Marketing Recommendation And Analysis

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Marketing Recommendation and Analysis
Recommendation: Coordinate with marketing team to develop a clear marketing strategy and shift towards a transient advantage strategy to remain relevant amongst competition.

Marketing and strategy currently plays an instrumental role for the company and requires many tasks to be delivered. It is strongly suggested that you coordinate with your marketing manager to not only carry out the marketing recommendations, but to also gain a better understanding of the marketing team efforts as whole. This will lead to an improved team dynamic that will allow you to respond effectively to any requests or obstacles. For example, the idea of producing Stand Up Paddles (SUP) was turned away by the marketing team, but it is recommended for this idea to be reevaluated to develop a transient advantage.

Although the record confirms that the company is performing well from a “marketing perspective,” it is clear that the same is not true from a financial perspective. It is also noted that the demand in the market for SUPs is growing at 25% so a transient advantage strategy would be ideal to maximize the profits of a new opportunity (see Figure 2 below for example).

Figure 2: Transient Advantage Graph of Relajante’s current marketing position …show more content…

In this case, your marketing manager suggests to continue pushing the single streamlined product; however, competitives are often transient due to competition seeking ways to improving or duplicating. And with a competitor like Fender Ltd. preparing for entry, it is currently the ideal time to “ramp up” for a new product such as the SUP, while the advantage for the single paddle to “disengages.” This strategy will enable Relajante to expand rapidly, while adapting to the volatile nature of consumer trends and competitive

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