
Marketing Scheme Is Price. Butler

Decent Essays

1) Define Butler Community College’s 4 P’s. Butler County Community College’s marketing scheme is basically comprised of the 4 P ’s, product, price, promotion, and place, as well as their clear customer value proposition, and one environmental force. Butler Community College offers exceptional education to anyone willing to learn. On my drive to work I see the advertisement Butler puts out on billboards saving it is never too late to start your education, and to inquire within, this sign just happens to be in a very low income neighborhood that has hardly any extra money, what so ever, and I would know because I run the main grocery store in this town, and they people are hard-working low income civilians that do not have the greatest opportunity to attend college. The second aspect of Butlers marketing scheme is price. Butler offers reasonable rates to attend college. At roughly $99 per credit hour anyone qualifies for a Pell Grant, which is offered by the Federal Government to low income families would be able to attend college, and possibly save a few dollars for a four year college down the road. By targeting low income, hardworking Americans Butler is excelling at Price. Third, as I mentioned earlier, everyday on my way to work, I see billboards advertising that it’s not late to earn your degree, start today! Well, I also hear it on the radio as well. To be honest, driving by that sign every single day changed my life, I kept saying I hated my job and I could do

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