
Marketing Strategy

Satisfactory Essays

Chapter 1 Marketing in Today’s Economy

Exercise 1.1 CarsDirect

1. Explore the CarsDirect website, including pricing a vehicle of your choice. How successful is CarsDirect in reducing the hassles associated with buying an automobile?

2. Does the design of the CarsDirect website convey confidence and trust in the car buying process? How has CarsDirect answered consumers’ concerns over the lack of a human element in their marketspace?

Exercise 1.2 Daytona 500

1. What is the product offered by the Daytona International Speedway and the Daytona 500? How does the Daytona 500 create and deliver customer satisfaction through the five types of utility? …show more content…

What services does FedEx provide that would assist firms in their distribution and supply chain efforts?

2. Why would a firm turn to FedEx Supply Chain Services rather than perform its own supply chain activities?

Exercise 6.2 Golf Discount

1. What pricing strategies does Golf Discount use? Which strategies are likely to be the most effective for novice golfers?

2. In what ways does the Golf Discount website illustrate the shifting balance of power to consumers?

Exercise 6.3 SAP

1. What are the key benefits of implementing a supply chain solution such as SAP?

2. What are the likely challenges in implementing a supply chain solution?

Exercise 6.4 Zoo Atlanta

1. Who are the zoo’s customers? How does Zoo Atlanta communicate with each target customer group?

2. Based on the information contained on its website, how does Zoo Atlanta use each element of the integrated marketing communications mix?

Chapter 7 Branding and Positioning

Exercise 7.1 Procter & Gamble

1. Review the U.S. product categories and brands offered by Procter & Gamble. How many of these brands are currently in your household? Which brands do you believe enjoy the highest brand loyalty? Why?

2. Which of the brands

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