
The Perfect Shave: SWOT And Critical Success Factors

Satisfactory Essays

3. Marketing
SWOT and critical success factors
Our strength is in our service. We believe we provide a superior service compared to our competitors. We are confident this will be a major factor in our success.

Our marketing weakness is in our name, The Perfect Shave, which implies we only cater to men. And in fact we do focus exclusively on the male demographic. This may unintentionally alienate women and children from visiting our shop. It will be critical that we make it clear that women, children, and families are also welcome. We don’t want to dissuade potential customers by being too focused on men.

The growth of the internet and e-commerce affords us an opportunity to sell our products and promote our shop on a national, and eventually global level. However, it is important that we take things slow and not grow too big too soon. A key to success is ensuring that we only move onto the next step when it becomes financially feasible to do so.
Market research
As our target market is primarily men, we have focused our market research on this demographic. We do this mainly through informal surveys so as to be as least intrusive as possible. We instruct our employees to ask our customers questions, such as how satisfied were they with our service? Would they recommend us to a friend? And what areas could we do better?

To better understand out target market even better, we also have a suggestion box so our customers can anonymously send us comments, suggestions, or

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