
Marriage, Love, Rape and Pornography from the Female Perspective

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Marriage and love, now days it is true that you'll find a couple who had fell in love and that had made it throughout. marriage is more than a couple who are dedicated its showing responsibility and shows they will be there for eachother. I can personally relate to this by me and my girlfriend have been dating for a while and we still fight a lot but we get over it and we broke but got back, i don't see myself ready yet to tackle this big factor in my life or not just yet or anytime soon, maybe once im done with school and get a job in my career when i'm more stable rather as now when say i end up with a kid at this age at nineteen and no job just working on cars for side job.From when girls are small they are told that marriage is the …show more content…

I even vacuum and make sure its clean and take nearly a whole day just to make sure its all nice and neat and not dirty. Where everyone sees an image of a woman cleaning and taking care of the kids at home. The textbook says “I don't mind sharing the household, but i don't do it very well. We should each do the things were best at.” I personally got a little mad at that since it doesn't matter if you're not good you sometimes in life have to do something that is better for both. Thats why when i do move in or when i get married i want to make sure its not just her doing all work but as well i atleast help clean around and give some effort as well. The next topic i'm going to talk about is rape, Nearly all women think too much that they think men rape a lot. However, i see it as they're scared and try avoiding and when typically when a women gets rapes its majoriy time her fault that she ended up in the situation. In my high school there was a girl who would party a lot and would go out but with college people and she would go along with some “Guy friends”, they were all in college while she was a junior. I remember seeing her and she would tell my friends stories of having fun and saying everyone should do it and not be scared. I thought to myself shes either going to get a kid soon or shes not make it in life somewhere since all she focuses on it partying and thats what she looks forward too all the time long. Furthermore, all

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