
Marriott Case Study

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History of Marriott
Marriott was founded in 1927 by the married couple of J. Willard and Alice Marriott. Their company started off as A&W root beer stand in Washington D.C. While in the restaurant franchise business, they introduced two major ideas with the Eastern Coast’s first drive in capable restaurant and airline catering for passengers to consume boxed lunches mid-flight. Later in 1953, Hot Shoppes, Incorporated transitions to public by selling out in two hours of trading at $10.25 per share. Five years later, Marriot makes a quintessential move into the hotel business by opening the earliest motor hotel in Arlington, Virginia. Over the next quarter century, the brand opens its first international hotel, becomes the first hotel company to enter the cruise business, and announces the first Courtyard hotel for high-level business travelers to lodge with. Marriot offers multiple brands in the late 1900s that span over Europe and Africa, along with other countries and continents. Finally, Marriott becomes the #1 hospitality company in the world with more than 5,700 properties across the world.
Evaluation of Marriott
Marriott is undoubtedly a thriving business in the top tier of the hospitality industry. Any person does not have to look any further than their stock price of over 100 dollars per share or their market cap worth around 39.79 billion dollars. In class, we discussed customer service as an important part to every company’s success, and I can attest to this fact

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