
Marriott Hotel Case Study

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Executive summary
This report was commissioned to critically evaluate Marriott Hotel chains strategies on the promotion of sustainable tourism development and their policies put in place. The research draws attention to the fact that Marriott international have implemented many sustainable strategies such as involving in sustainable activities from planting mangroves to working with sustainable supply chains. Each year Marriott produces a sustainable report which involves goals achieved and future goals. By 2025 Marriott wants to achieve most of their goals such as reduce their water usage , carbon, waste and food waste. These approaches will be measured each year to see how their doing to achieve their set goals.

The purpose of this report is to evaluate and analyse the Marriott Hotel chains sustainable tourism development. The hotel has a well-established history of being known as one of the most prestigious hotels. The company operates successfully on a global basis. Marriott has “more than 6,000 properties in 122 countries and territories” (Marriott, 2017a). This Business report will cover the internal and external challenges & issues of implementing sustainable tourism policies, the companies approach to sustainability and the impact of the company’s policies and activities in fostering sustainable tourism in the wider global industry. The Social, economic, and environmental aspects, also known as the triple bottom line will help

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